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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Bapu

    WUP is back

    I must admit I thought I saw $250, but as of today being under WUP until 25 Jan 2025; my price to add one more year of WUP for all I own (Abbey Road, Mecury+Studio Classics, Infected Mushroom, Inspire, CR8 and NX) is $240. Maybe $25 was the old way if under WUP and $240 is the new max even if you are under WUP. I dunno.
  2. Bapu

    WUP is back

    So are you implying that if I indeed did see $250 I was being quoted $10 more than the cap because I was already under WUP for everything I owned?
  3. I don't have any pictures of my first cabs "stack" but it was this on the bottom (with a replaced 18" Gauss) And this on top (Mitchell GB412, but mine actually had speakers in it): And to top it off I used my Alembic F2-B Preamp into a Crown DC300 stereo poweramp (one channel for each cab).
  4. Don't need it I have the real deal. See comment to the OP. ? I didn't closely examine the alternatives but a quick visual sweep of the list and I'd say I also have many of the alternative products listed.
  5. Bapu

    WUP is back

    When I decided to add another year of WUP before the 26th I checked Waves price. I'm 99.99% sure it said $250. All my stuff was already WUP'd thru 25 Jan 2024. Proud to say I never foolishly bought Waves duplicates. Can't say that about PA though. ? I went to two resellers (while I still could) and got a price of $225 and $223. I took the $223 price.
  6. Seriously though, who really plays live with Marshall stacks anymore? Not even at the Cream reunion.
  7. Will it be reversed in a matter of days when the loyal user base revolts, like with Waves?
  8. Bapu

    WUP is back

    A week ago it was $250 for me (got it a reseller for $223).
  9. Bapu

    WUP is back

    Just logged in to my waves.com account. I can now choose to WUP again from Get Waves Update Plan link. The max was $250, it's now $10 cheaper than it was a week ago. No more "Buying from a reseller" option though. I own Abbey Road, Mecury+Studio Classics, Infected Mushroom, Inspire, CR8 and NX .
  10. Somewhere in a distant galaxy they hear her and they're saying "our leader is out there, we just know it". Of course if we could hear them saying that it would just like Yoko at that art show.
  11. I won't since I own it all. already. I don't have to because I boought one last discounted WUP (as a safety net) the day before the chit hit the fan. I'm WUP'd until 25 Jan 2025. Saul Goodman here.
  12. There's always something better out there even for the better stuff. It's a mystery I tells ya.
  13. List? I doan need no stonkon' list. ? Waves has come through for me and my little WUPpie.
  14. Not here. I did the update to waves central, did a complete uninstall, and the na fresh install (of V14 only since I own the whole kitandkaboodle). Everything is as it should be on Studio One.
  15. That's what people were calling Waves for the past two days. Maybe not so much today.
  16. I guess my discounted WUP I bought on 25 Mar 2023 was not such a bad idea ((at least for me). Now will @smallstonefan be back on the Waves train?
  17. As I said in the udder thread: "Prolly CLA et.al. said "remove my name unless you bring back perpetual/WUP"."
  18. Prolly CLA et.al. said "remove my name unless you bring back perpetual/WUP".
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