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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Lars, maybe change the the thread title to BandLab Technologie$ reveal$ new brand vi$ion for Cakewalk
  2. https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/58321-bandlab-technologies-reveals-new-brand-vision-for-cakewalk/ or read the article directly https://www.kvraudio.com/news/bandlab-technologies-reveals-new-brand-vision-for-cakewalk-57991
  3. So it would appear I'm the new Nostradamus. Can be found here: https://www.cakewalk.com/
  4. Even if they give you a free coffee mug and T-Shirt?
  5. Will the old SONAR Lifetime Support/Updates Customer be grandfathered?
  6. Pricing? Pricing? Pricing? Dinnit I somewhat predict this a few weeks back? https://discuss.cakewalk.com/index.php?/topic/57919-i-would-take-this-as-good-news/&tab=comments#comment-438302
  7. So Cakewalk which became SONAR which became CbB which soon will become Cakewalk's SONAR (again)? Groundhog Day Deja Vu all over again.?
  8. Still have V6 (uninstalled of course, I'll never look back).
  9. That's one HUGE racket
  10. Looks like there's noting on channel juan. Prolly my bazz track. Typical.
  11. Fixed that for you.
  12. Wait for the $29 sw version from PA?? I have just enough rack space for juan uv deese.
  13. I get 100% off this sale. As in, I already own it all. IOW, (previously) insatlled!
  14. I thought it was a given? ?
  15. Installed! And the installer too (me lurves download managers/installers*, especially when they tell you what has a an update). *except IKM, it's bonkers.
  16. Don't know those, but my IKMultimedia iLoud MTM has an included mic to tune themselves too.
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