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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Did I mention that I also have two Distressors for Kick and Snare?
  2. I'm current with Studio One Pro 6. Pipeline XT is da bomb imo.
  3. My Warm Audio Bus Comp is used for my Bass bus. I use a Heritage Audio Successor for my Drums bus. I use a TK Audio 500 for Vocals bus. I use a Serpent Audio 400 for my Master bus. All but the Heritage are prefaced by HRK Tape emus The Heritage is prefaced by a FATSO. But the way Studio One Pipeline is implemented I can easily swap them any way I want to experiment with without having to change a single cable.
  4. Bloody 'ell I woud've knot even maid the toupe 250,000,000 bazz players if were knot four the Am bazz note that I invented. Cuzovdat I was 249,999,999. Yea four moi.
  5. Requires a PureMix membership to view. https://www.puremix.com/library/start-to-finish/-/history-of-the-beatles-recording-techniques I've watched half of it, and it was fascinating and revealing to me. Probably finish the other half next weekend.
  6. Very cool Keni. Our very own Grammy Nominated Rock Star in da house.
  7. Understood. Still a ******* bummer. As I said earlier, I shudda stuck with Forever 29. That would have been a better deal for me. I was on it but I cancelled it (stoooooopid).
  8. I have one. Warm Audio makes good schtuff.
  9. Nope, I'm off the Samplitude band wagon. So far Mixcraft version update have been relatively inexpensive.
  10. If I had to do it all over again, I would stick with Forever29. Alas I did not do that. I currently own all but that fancy SILVER BULLET v2, but will consider going to MEGA XXL in Jan of 2024, pay yearly up front the $299.99 and get the next 10 plugins that arrive in 2024. Does anyone know if I have to redeem all 10 plugins at one time on the yearly plan that gives you the voucher(s?) up front?
  11. I too only got my $75 voucher but no generic 25 off voucher.
  12. My HD650s have a profile for SoundID. I lurves them.
  13. I know, I've been trying for years. At least that's what @SteveStrummerUK says: "Bapu, you're trying!"
  14. Maybe. Maybe not. If I could make that decision for people and they followed it carte blanche I'd be rich (if I were into that affiliate thing, which I'm not)
  15. Plugins Am a weigh of lyfe four moi
  16. If I did that I'm afraid that it would still sound like my voice.
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