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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Already Installed! quite some time ago.
  2. I'm a neophyte when it comes to EDM, please explain what are the things that make a DAW more EDM friendly.
  3. “To get your playing more forceful, hit the drums harder.”
  4. My link was intended to be about the new releases September just a little further down the page ?
  5. whoops double post.. deleted
  6. Read all about it HERE BTW I have serials so you can assume Installed! on the day of release ?
  7. You should have played "Honey Pie" or at least "Cherry Pie". Then again, here's always "American Pie".
  8. FWIW I have no complaints and I will never intentionally bash CbB or the new SONAR. I reserved the right to speak my displeasure with the new pricing model if and when it comes out if I actually have an issue with it. On the whole I have no issue with charging for the new products, especially SONAR since I will always maintain a current copy on my machine. Most here know I have 11 paid for DAW products installed. And although I'm now most comfortable with Studio One on a day to day basis I have my uses for CbB and the others too.
  9. Installed! With my bundle upgrade and my Orange Slices = $73.60
  10. I'm going duck out of this convo if the humor does not approve
  11. I remember begging azslow (multiple times) to create a tool to do CbB -> Studio One conversion on par with Reaper. He was not interested based on the cost of a Studio One License. IIRC he used a trial version of Reaper to build his tool.
  12. @PavlovsCat When I moved a project from CbB to Studio One I just turned off all FX and exported all audio and MIDI tracks. Then I created a project in Studio one and dragged and dropped all those CbB tracks into Studio One. At that point I just added all VSTi to the Instruments sections in Studio One and pointed the MIDI tracks to those instruments. Of course, then I set the appropriate settings for the VSTi (patch/library etc.). Then I added all FXs to the various individual mixer channels. Then created my buses and pointed my tracks to their respective buses (alternatively select all tracks you want to go to a bus and right mouse click to the menu where you can "add a bus for selected tracks". Then I put VSTs on the buses. Since storing VST parameters are sometimes DAW specific it can be a pain to get the settings just so. Snapshots helped. TBH I only ever converted one or two CbB projects to Studio One. IOW it was a major PITA. Converting CbB projects to Reaper were way more automatic and nearly exact using azslow's tool he created. It di all the busing and put the FXs in the proper place and the settings were so very close that I only noticed almost no difference between the final mix of Reaper and CbB. But alas I was more impressed with Studio One's Chord and arranger tracks and thus I went to Studio One when Gibson shut down CbB dev.
  13. Well, I typically get home right about 9PM (PST) on Thusday evenings, so I'll be Installed! then. Since Citizen Regen always uses live drums I'm a bit excited about this plugin for my mixing process..
  14. Like a Really Evenly Applied Price Every* Release *every other, actually
  15. To all the other comments (beside smallstonefan): ARA Requirements Sometimes Excluded
  16. No @bitflipper @Notes_Norton meant the wrath of Chakra Kahn
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