I saw (most of) Free open for West, Bruce & Lang. Unfortunately Paul Rodgers took ill right before they were to take the stage. It was an admiral attempt by the rest of the group.
I too saw Blind Faith in '69 at the Forum but simply do not remember who opened for them.
The Beatles officially broke up in 1970.
How can Real Love, Free As A Bird & Now And Then be "The Beatles"?
Bonus question: Who gets the writing credit?
Jürgen sent me a 'pre-release' to test of what I suspect will be ProjectConverter 1.1.4
Works perfectly with all the audio converted.
One small note about ReaCWP. If I don't bounce to clips all the tracks then ProjectConverter starts any clip at 1:1 regardless of its actual timeline position.
The 'workaround' is to insure all tracks have their start at 1:1 or 'consolidated' as it is sometime referred to before sending it through ProjectConverter.
FWIW, ReaCWP does create the Reaper project with small clips ( non consolidated) in their proper place, so maybe this is yet another 'bug' in ProjectConverter which I will report to Jürgen.
I turned 11 when The Beatles arrived in America for the first time on my birthday, 7 Feb 1964. I was already stoked by them as I saw a B&W film clip of them on the Jack Parr show a few days/weeks earlier saying they were coming to America and IIRC he predicted they were going to be huge.
Roughly 5% of the Beatles are clunkers for me. Yellow Submarine, tops that list. Till There Was You is wasted air space. Some days I like Octopuses Garden, other days, nah! Blue Jay Way I will skip/turn off/change station.
I saw Ringo's All Star Band with Jack Bruce one year. Even Jack could not save YS, I went to the loo.
I am a proud near constant Beatles Channel listener on SiriusXM when I drive, unless I'm testing a mix of a song I'm working on.
1) I need to test that still.
2) I gave Jürgen the example and he found a condition of "mix slahes" in the filenames. He said he will give me a test build tomorrow.
Strange that the mixed slashes are ok in Bitwig but not Studio One, but he's the developer.
I'm an Ultimate 11 user but I already picked up Capitol Mastering Compressor, Electra 88 Vintage Keyboard Studio, and Waterfall Rotary Speaker along the way. Looks like I'll be upgrading to Ultimate 12 for $199.50 to get Sound City and C-Suite C-MAX Limiter.