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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Had 3 plugins that needed updates too. CLA Hub, Studio Rack and Shepps Omni
  2. tom to add to my Mapex drum kit due to arrive Friday.
  3. I'm a cereal killer. Thee extra large boxes this month so far.
  4. yup. I just did a DAWproject export of a song that is the same time sig and tempo throughout the entire project and it was opened and played like a dream in Bitwig. [EDIT] Except all 3 instances of UAD Distressor were tagged as not loaded. Well that's a Bitwig issue. It seems it knows my SPARK location but ignores my full on UAD location.
  5. Any Studio One 6.5.x users encounter this problem with a DAWproject export? I did the export, opened the export zip in Bitwig 5.0.11. After the first few seconds of playback things started to get out of sync. Facts about the project: 1. the tracks were consolidated, no split clips 2. It's 73bpm in 4/4 (with 2 breakdowns in 2/4 for one measure resuming to 4/4) 3. The final three measures area step down in tempo from 73bpm to a final 63bpm. 4. It appears all my 3rd party plugins did come across as expected. I only used 3rd party plugs. After an attempt of removing all plugins and re-exporting, and getting the same results, I decided why not test the export by bringing it back into a new Studio One project. Guess what? Same crappy out of sync happening.
  6. Looping back. Apparently I do own one Neural DSP plugin called Parallax - Everything you need to design the ultimate bass tone.
  7. To quote Kenny Loggins' theme song from Caddyshack: I'm all right, don't nobody worry 'bout me
  8. Whelp, believe it or not, I do not own any Neural DSP plugins.
  9. Bapu

    Free - What A Deal!

    October 2023 $75 Plugin Alliance Voucher Please post when you use it.
  10. At my $89.99 price my $75 voucher is useless to me this month.
  11. Bapu

    Reaper updated to 7.02

    With the SWS Reaper Extension (Donation Ware) Reaper becomes even better. User created themes abound to start you down the path of grasping customizations. The thing to remember about Reaper is, a track is anything you want it to be; a bus, a folder, midi, audio etc. If you want to get a sense of that concept, download the Reaper trial, install REAPER (with ReaCWP) and then simply open a CbB song in Reaper. Study how your buses are handled etc. Granted the default UI may seem "toyish" as some have called it, but what I'm suggesting here is to get a hold of the "a track is anything you want it to be" concept. Also, the ReaCWP plugin did a damn fine job of converting quite a few SPlat projects for me.
  12. Hard Pass. See below. I own the stereo versions.
  13. Update on the Studio One export. I just opened the export in Studio One and it's as bad on payback as it was in Bitwig. What a fustercluck!
  14. OK I disbaled all the plugins off the drums and solo'd the drums. That's where the whackyness ensued. FYI I insured that all the tracks were continuous (start at beat 1/1) in Studio One before I exported to DAWproject.
  15. I did not try and install the Reaper -> DAWproject yet. I did export from Studio One Pro v6.x (latest) and then import DAWproject file into Bitwig Studio 5.011. Sadly, the playback had elements out of sync. I think it was the drums as those tracks all had active AutoAlign 2 on them and I suspect that may have caused some grief. At another time I'll try and mute the AutoAlign2 plug and see if that fixes the situ. Also the other bugaboo was the project was not entirely in 4/4 and the song had a slowed down tempo at the last two measures. It appears that none of that happened. I need to discover how to see the tempo map in Bitwig to verify that. one track is MIDI and without that tempo map more trouble can abound I suspect. So for right now, SO->DAWproject->Bitwig is not ready for primetime until I can find out if there more I need to do about the tempo map.
  16. Last time I tried (Win 7) Voyetra Sequencer Plus Gold (it's midi only) form the 1990s still worked. But I ent goan bach there.
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