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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. We've only posted a few songs there but since we're a collaboration already we don't have much need for that aspect of Bandlab.
  2. Exactly the way I use Mixbus 32C. During the dark days I bought Sampitude X3 suite and Micraft 8. Meh to those two. I had already owned Studio One 3 Pro and Reaper 5 (as well as Mixbus, but again I don't call it a DAW i call it a console). Alexy (azslow3) did a bang up job on his .cwp converter. If I had been forced to use Reaper I'd simply translate all my Cake projects using that utility. I like Reaper once you get to undertsand how you can change the menus and skins to meet your needs. I had some high hopes that Samplitude X4 would be a huge jump. Niet. They won't be getting my money. I'll not look at Mixcraft ever again. I upgraded to Studio One 4 Pro and I am very pleased with it's workflow for composing and arranging. The Arranger and Chord tracks are worth their weight in gold (for me). I'm not a big MIDI guy (drums from MIDI packs and the edited to taste, and some simple keyboard lines) and so it's no big deal to me how any of the DAWs handle MIDI (including CbB). I do own Notion so I have that if it ever becomes necessary. Do I still use CbB? Yes, for my collaborations as it makes it easy to provide a "mix" to track to in the form of a .wav and a .cwp with markers for sections and the chords. But once I get the collaborators parts they go into SO4P. With the Chord track I can try out alternate chords and affect all non-percussive tracks at once. Super Cool. And Arranging the section is a breeze. So it's SO4P->CbB->SO4P->Mixbus 32c workflow for me. YMMV
  3. So far so good.... You left out "one two, one two"
  4. I hope they do it just so the "argument" both ways would be over.?
  5. Will do. I'll be there Friday and Saturday, Daryl all weekend and I suspect Bitflipper will be there at least Friday and Saturday for sure.
  6. Bapu

    Christmas Is Coming

    Another oldie from 2015 https://soundcloud.com/forummonkeys/christmas-is-coming-featuring-liz-greenway
  7. Noel, Daryl1968 and I will be by for sure. Bitflipper is supposed to be there too.
  8. Check out our BJZ project HERE and the precursor BBZ project HERE It's little bit Metal and little bit Rock (to paraphrase Donnie and Marie)
  9. Only five links, and 8 lines. Can't do what I had on the old forum.?
  10. I only care that I got to keep my forum name Bapu. Sadly on Bandlab site my login ID is BapuBassman because some wanker used Bapu before me. Imagine that.
  11. I use my DAW(s) to make music for my enjoyment and the boredom of others (you know who you are).
  12. Hey Bob, sit back and relax and soon enough you'll learn about the Am bass "note".
  13. What happened to the "Best Answer" check mark? It was available yesterday but not today.
  14. The bummer is the limitations on the sig. That is so 1980s.
  15. Been there done that. If you want to know the history CLICK HERE
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