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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. 1) Wrong. btw, if you keep SONAR Platinum installed the extras and adds-ons are accessible in CbB 2) It surpasses SONAR Platinum 3) CbB is the evolution of SONAR Platinum, BandLab's web app is for music sharing/collaborating. They are independent of each other but can be used in conjunction is you want.
  2. I just new it was mistake to post that picture of me
  3. Are we allowed to say "Perpetuate Everything New In Sight" here?
  4. vi - meh Epsilon** - supported in both *nix and win* YAY! I still use Epsilon to this day in the right circumstance. ** found it in 1987ish
  5. Also, SONAR Platinum was NOT a subscription model.? (not looking at you Ed)
  6. How is $29 60% off on $49? Is there a code or something?
  7. Buffalo NAS (Raid 1) for OS full backups weekly, with incremental daily between. I keep a three week rolling cycle, just in case. DAW projects are backed up to Carbonite real time unless I'm doing drum tracking and then I turn it off until tracking is over.
  8. Just another (usb) stick in the wall?
  9. This thing is *STILL* going? Let the farce be with ewes.
  10. There was a time when I would have jumped on his but I have tons of reverbs already. Lemme know when the bundle is down to $50 or when Ozone 9 contains them all. ?
  11. I know, my bandmates tell me that all the time.
  12. Pedro prefers A=1Hz tuning. There I said it.
  13. Detuned to 354.8776367276 pixels and it sounded so mush betterer.
  14. With 2300+ plugins being scanned (after the initial reinstall scan of course) I'm usually looking at all of 30-45 seconds on a first boot of the DAW for the day. After that, on the same day, about 15-20 seconds. Painless. FWIW I don't drink coffee.
  15. Some say yes, some (like me) day no. Probably depens upon the myriad of variables on *your* system.
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