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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. When does my royalty check arrive? Great job by Staypress and the current Mrs. Daryl1968.
  2. Liek dees? Oar dees? Oar deeze?
  3. I'm not an athlete. I'm an athletic supporter though.
  4. And you can *always* use the File->Open menu bar in the non-designated version to open an old project. It's not as bad as you think it is if you take the time to understand what is really going on. It's not a mistake/disaster what happened, it's how Windows works.
  5. Bapu

    My new desk

    1. I've had clutter for over 10 years now. We'll call it spring cleaning. 2. Those are homemade rockwool absorbers. I have two on either side, two on my back wall and two above me. 3. I love my 30". What man would not? Yeah, getting used to how high up it is. 4. I barely play the keys anymore (doing less and less MIDI these days) and so sitting up high is perfect for me. 6. I too sometimes wish I could number my tracks out of order like this, 5. They were sold at the last yard sale. 6. Ah here is the real #6. IK Multimedia ARC for the speakers and Sonarworks for the M-50s. 'Nuff said.
  6. Everybody loves to make up a new way of saying/naming things. Hell, I've worked in companies where 3 people would call the same function (it's name clearly labeled on the screen) 3 different things. NOTE: None of which were the actual name.
  7. My second MIDI sequencer was Voyetra Sequencer Plus Gold. I had something else first (I can't recall the name). Synced SPG to my Tascam 80-8 then later to 3xADAT Black Face. Then I started with Cakewalk Pro Audio 4 and purchased every upgrade all the way to the end of line, only skipping SONAR 2 (but my son owned SONAR 2).
  8. Bapu

    My new desk

    The space below the two KT2As are for my backordered two 1176KTs
  9. Just need to move the speakers (even though they are still operational where they are).
  10. Now Paulo can rest. Someone on the internet was behind the times and he set him straight.?
  11. Bill, we can dance if we want to
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