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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. The Lovely Lady and I are celebrating the 14th Birthday of us today.
  2. I'm sure he's still singing Benny Lava.
  3. That would be video. Just saying....
  4. That was just another ARC you crossed Dave. BTW, what are your thoughts on ARC (no, not Noah's)?
  5. He was one damn funny guy. Over the years I'd had many a phone conversation with him.
  6. He's still on the first three The Coffee House Band recordings HERE RIP Bo. Tell Asparapuss we said 'Hi!'.
  7. I'm always thinking of the beavers.
  8. Some bass solo no doubt.
  9. Had a good day. Looking forward to better night.
  10. I just say today is today. Who needs dates? They are just raisins with a hyperactive thyroid.
  11. Ben dare dun dat. I dinnit even get a t-shirt.
  12. I like most rock thongs.
  13. Should be cool in all my (in use) DAWs.
  14. Bapu


    That's my 'cup' after I get out of the pool.
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