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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. What a dork I am. I thought/read March 30, 2020.
  2. An oulder boy made me do it, sir.
  3. I'm perfectly happy with the likes of SO4P stock GUI. Never felt it got in the way of making music. Does that make me a bad person?
  4. a lot? yeah, but I can think of at least juan who fits that description to a tee.
  5. Nothing gets past me..... Correctamundo Lars!
  6. 4 out of 4 guys rate libido as a 10
  7. Are they an American Banned? The young chiquitas in Omaha want to know.
  8. Without seeing an image of your BandLab Assistant looks like I'd be hard pressed to say what gives. Post a screen shot of it.
  9. Typically a screen shot of the track view (mostly the left side of the project) will help reveal how you inserted/created the VSTi track(s). From there is can be determined what your problem might be. Bear in mind there are at least 2 ways to create a VSTi track. How you did it is important to know first.
  10. Usefull=used in at least one song to a positive purpose
  11. Even though I already have the full Hollywood Diamond series this could be useful too.
  12. I prefer Miracle Whip over Mayo (dinnit know there were five Mayos though).
  13. Bapu


    Are you ribbing me Bill?
  14. Although a nice implementation, kudos Noel, I still prefer the Studio One Pro approach. Example: TV has AABACABB I SO4P as you decide to dele the 2nd A it is removed from entirely from the TV. If you add a 2nd A after the first B your TV is now ABAACABB. IOW TV is always what you want. I prefer to see TV that way instead of the CbB way of jumping around. To each his own though. The "one up" CbB has is the availability of different versions until you commit. That's pretty cool although it's not my workflow.
  15. For Fuchs sake, I better not get these!
  16. The MIDI track that you dragged the data to must point to the EZDrummer Audio Track(s). Using SI Drummer as n example, look for the O drop down list and select SI Drums (Or EZDrummer in your case);.
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