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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. That's maybe almost as stimulating as a $1,200 check from Dr. Orange the gubmint.
  2. Might be worth the risk at the right time.
  3. Bill. You don't *need* any other DAW, but you may *want* it. Regards, Bapu the DAW ho
  4. I'm 75% Polish. And 3/4 of my grandparents' ancestors were from Poland too.
  5. It's just like every other MonTuesWedThursFriSatSunday
  6. Rane GC 6 for me. I used to use a Rolls. Put it away in the drawer to gather dust once I got the Rane. I bought mine used over 5 years ago and it just works.
  7. On sale for $125USD and I went for it. I own all the consoles for Console 1 now.
  8. NOt sure about Tezza but I spend like there's no max.
  9. I've been going the hardware route lately. I'm now up to 2x UA-610s, 2x KT2As and 2x KT76s. I ordered some upgrades for my drum mics. 1 Earthworks snare mic as an alternative to the top SM57 (keeping the bottom SM57 in place), and one D12 Kick drum mic as an alternative to the D112 bullet kick drum mic. I ordered an extra SM57 so that I can mic a guitar amp with an ordered Wilkinison Audio Fredman mic holder. I'm considering building a guitar amp isolation box for my Line 6 Spider IV 75 and maybe picking up a Vox low wattage combo amp that could fit in the same isolation box as an alternative to the Line 6.
  10. Well, Dr. Orange was suggesting it might be good for it if it has Corona Beer Virus.
  11. That's what she says. "EZBapu !"
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