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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Hah! The only ones out of the 12 listed I don't own a license for are Image-Line FL, Ableton Live, Bitwig and Garage Band* * It's on my iPhone8 but not on my MacBook Pro.
  2. I have near that amount too but the stuff that's available is not anywhere on my want list.
  3. He was last year and their site says they are touring again in late 2020 through 2021, albeit in the Midwest and East Coast (so far).
  4. The first Beatles cover band I saw with my (current) wife was 1964. They played together for some 25 years. The bass player was a righty, but taught himself to be a lefty. That was impressive (IMO).
  5. Best Beatles Band alive today. The Fab Faux. No Beatles "dressup", just pure recreations of the greatest music of the 20th Century. I've seen them everytime they've been to California since 2008 (10 times now). The only disappointing set was when they did the 1964 (5?) Hollywood Bowl set list. Thank the almighty for the second set of the night. The coolest was when they did The White Album. They actually had Revolution #9 all charted out. Lots of samples but none the less, it was Revolution # 9.
  6. That was my grandfather's name (father's Side). Well, actually it was Stanislav as given to him by his immigrant Polish parents. But it quickly became Stanley at an early age. My first name was my mother's fathers name. He worked at DuPont in Chicago and all his friends called him Eddie DuPont. That was life in the 40s and 50s. Street cred names based on where you worked.
  7. I once did an punk cover collab of Have You Ever Seen The Rain where I threw in a Beatles Rain reference of two verses as a middle 8.
  8. Very nice cover. No crits here.
  9. If I would have come up with that idea first I could've called it the Baplugu.
  10. You and George Foreman are ahead of your time.
  11. Bapu


    Hi I'm looking for Bunny and Bunny songs. Do you know of any free mattresses?
  12. Or how about a guy (like me) that owns Total Studio 2 Max, Axe I/O, and iLoud MTM Pair gets a free copy of Amplitube5?
  13. Ah yes, but his middle name is Edward. And before Paulo goes off on that. it was my wife's advance desire to give our first male and female children (if that is what we were blessed with) our names as middle names. And lo and behold we had a son and then a daughter.
  14. Standing on the street corner handing out free home burned CDs might be a way to go. But with COVID-19 that might be problematic too.
  15. Well, the will already says my son gets it all. I think I'll have some spare picks if he's interested. And maybe the odd mic cable too.
  16. I might just pick up a copy. I'll hope the serial won't timeout after a year or more if I don't use it right away.
  17. Oh I see, he meant Official. Been there done that.
  18. Fried shrimp, broiled shrimp...….
  19. The elusive Am bass note was beach to find. I ent giving it up for nutton'.
  20. (Ride Captain Ride On Your) Mystery Ship
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