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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. B+ on the vocals. I'm not sure that is the actual backing track. Sounds like a Caraoke track to me (see what I did there?) albeit a good one.
  2. Bapu

    Lucky Me

    You're rockin' your style in style Douglas. Nice job on the production and performance.
  3. Well above my pay grade to understand what that means. But the piece was quintessentially trippy Sprouse (in a good way). Well Done!
  4. Not my genre so mix is all I can comment on. Great!
  5. A whole month of the veritable screed of the jessie warms my heart. Cool stuff as always Jessie
  6. Two (or three) fingers up/down the hatch (if you know what I mean ?).
  7. Thanks for sharing some more 'trad Wookiee', Wookiee. ?
  8. I did Nigel. Your productions are always top drawer.
  9. Bapu


    Nice mix. My "jazz" taste leans more towards Return To Forever. This was an easy listen though.
  10. Agreed with all aboove on "up the vox", "drop the acoustic" and add a dash of verb to the fiddle. Good song, good story line. Good to see you back "planobilly", I remember you from "before".
  11. Is the API Vision Strip on sale? Can't combine coupons on a sale item.
  12. Back on topic, isn't this kind of a first? Where the devs are talking about a feature before it's release?
  13. I saw Ringo's ALL STARS with Jack Bruce (hella yes!) & Eric Carmen (meh) & Simon Kirk on drums (oh yeahhhhhh) & Dave Edmonds on guitar.
  14. Photo plagiarism not withstanding..... I don't see the problem.?
  15. We must always remember that Ringo was more popular than The Beatles when he joined The Beatles. In other words he was taking a "step down" to join them. Kinda worked out ok, huh?
  16. Bapu


    I Am, therefore I Bapu
  17. I just threw up a little in my mouth, you want that too?
  18. The opposite idea of making all tracks louder than all the other tracks.
  19. As there could be a cell Am (39 cells to the right), That is quite apropos. Well Done!
  20. Bapu


    I nominate this thread title for "Worst content hint of 2020". ? ? ?
  21. Juan of mein is shorter. I guess it affects each of us in it's own way.
  22. I was gonna suggest =IF(ISBBAPU(A1),"Unfunny","Hilarious"), but thought better of it.
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