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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Maybe the number juan fill of all times
  2. But I will say there are three monkeys in the pic. Is that a hint? Mebbe.
  3. Like some (well juan) person's medical stats, I cannot confirm or deny either situation.
  4. Oh wait, no one has noticed the closet.
  5. The open closet is a turn off
  6. Perfect Emulsion Now In Showing
  7. I only have an Adam sub. I don't remember if it was on sale of not. Not that I search for Adam sales but I don't recall one in recent years. For your sake I hope I'm wrong.
  8. Released today. Only a deal if you have prepaid serial #s. ?
  9. Bapu

    JRR Shop

    So you must use Netscape Navigator or AOL? I hope you have a 14.4K modem.
  10. Simple Simon met a potent Pie Man?
  11. The first computer I touched was an HP3000 making modifications to a business application programmed in Fortran.
  12. I have not the slightest clue what you guys are on about.
  13. I hope you get the price you're looking for. I'm so sorry you have to part with it.
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