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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Mebee I shudda included my bass playing two?
  2. I apologize for any songs posted with my vocal in 2020. They probably should not have happened. ?
  3. Thanks Ed. Melodyne is my second best friend. ?
  4. Nigel, thanks for the kind words and listen.
  5. Bapu


    Since I'm not going to archive it, right now the last post was by john Braner on 24 Nov 2020.
  6. I never understood whey Bo (aka Space Cowboy) *really* liked Flo.
  7. Bapu

    Well Done

    I don't know what that is but I wouldn't put that Bill's mouth for any amount of compensation.
  8. So little info is needed for any wife/GF/SO to arrive at that conclusion.
  9. Bapu


    Oar summat liek dat
  10. Personally I do now prefer Studio One Pro, but that does not stop me from using CbB (Cabewalk by Bandlab) occasionally, or any of my other DAWs when the need is there. But, that's just a personal taste thing. Others here will downplay Studio One and I respect that.
  11. Meh, I got Lars on my side.
  12. Doom MIDI is installed. Typical, ya?
  13. Bapu


    I think my request of what music to put to a story line was deleted too.
  14. All or none of the above. I'm so binary, Am't I?
  15. Bapu


    I've not seen Mesh's peaches but I'll assume they're ...... nevermind
  16. Small crit: Vocals could come up at least 1.5db maybe even 2db. That's some really good acoustic guitar playing. Nice solo.
  17. ...Yellow Brick Road Beyond My DAW Ceases to be no more on Dec 1, 2020 Tell all your friends about it.
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