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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    But buying 11 now for $99 and not registering it and getting 11.5 free (a $60 value) is backwards. You need to buy 11 now (assuming 10.5 is already registered) for $99. Then buy 11.5 (some say on sale for $40, we'll see) but "DO NOT" register it until 12 is released. That way you get $99 value for free. After that always buy the .5 and "DO NOT" register until the next full version is released. If you get the .5 release at the sale price of $40 you will always "get" the full release free. Much cheaper in the long run.
  2. Yes, I should said MIDI drums about the overlap but "kit" should be the tip off of what I meant. ?
  3. I want a hover car but we ain't getting that either.
  4. The only bummer about the installer is it does not tell you that have the MIDI that is included with kit you own (as were many older titles), which is also available for sale separately.
  5. BobF is/was from MO. He's moved on to Reaper (IIRC) after the Gibson debacle.
  6. Correct. Been doing that for years.
  7. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    Not following you Zo. The way to keep cost low is to never register the .5 release after the purchase until 12 is available and then register 11.5 which gets you 12 for free. As Larry says, it's the cheapest path to each full release. Done that way, you never pay the full release price $99 . By definition you are only ever on the full release which means you won't get the benefits of the .5 release until the next full release. I can live with that.
  8. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    True. That's the price of my mistake when I (without research) registered 10.5 immediately.
  9. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    No, I registered 11 now. Based on others' opinions going forward it will now be cheaper to buy 11.5 at its discounted price and not register it until 12 is released. From that point on only buy the .5 upgrades at the discounted prices and only register it when the next full version is released.
  10. I bought a commercial NAS (Buffalo). I just point my Acronis to a specific NAS location (mapped drive on the DAW, and my www surfer machine).
  11. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    I upgraded to 11*. Now I just need to stick to plan to remember the 11.5 sale around nov/dec 2021 and **HOLD ON TO IT** until 12 is released then register 11.5. *Got it at Sweetwater for $99.99 at $3/per month for three years (that will feel almost free, since it's bundled into my already existing balance).
  12. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    Yup, I did that with 9.5 cross grade sale ($149 or $99, I can't remember. I did not install 9.5 cross grade until 10 came out. But then (foolishly) I bought the 10.5 upgrade and installed it right away. DOH! So at this pint I think I'll just wait for the 11.5 upgrade and save it until 12.
  13. Bapu

    Best Deal Cubase 11?

    Upgrade to 11 from 10.5 right now is $99. I paid $59 for 10.5 but that was from 10. Will the upgrade to 11.5 from 10.5 be $59, $99 or more (given past history)?
  14. I have Cubase 10.5, I can get Cubase upgrade to 11. If I get it do I wait until 11.5 is released for best bang for buck as it would include 11.5 at activation time right? I'm in no rush to install 11.
  15. Maybe I'll wait for the SSD version.
  16. Ditto, my 'projects drive' is backed up via Carbonite. My C drive is backed up using Acronis (to my NAS). My samples drive is not backed up (yet).
  17. I'm on it Zo. ? Once it happens.
  18. I already own the Bus Compressor as well as the X-Comp and X-ValveComp, so $50 for the Channel Strip seems a bit much. And since I would have two licenses for the Bus Compressor I'm not sure it would be worth the hassle to even sell the standalone Bus Compressor.
  19. But the players are really cool. Such a dichotomy.
  20. It's kind of rinky-dink to me after 5 minutes of dinking around with the supplied example project.
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