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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. It seems like every year you and Daryl have a birthday right around the same time. Have a great day Meshers.
  2. Got this on ebay for $700. Vox AC30C2. Picking it up this morning (Sunday 6/6/2021).
  3. I just googled it. But I'll try to find who I bought it from.
  4. I used to Bb but I grew older and have achieved a state of man-boobs.
  5. My SuperTight Snark Tuner showed up yesterday.
  6. Do I need 11 of them (one for each bass)? And what about my 4 guitars?
  7. I've had my HD-600s for quite a few years now. Eventually the inner headband wore out as did the foam covers over the transducers. Replaced them both for under $20. These are my non-DAW hp's that I use to check final mixes on.
  8. Yup, saw that one. It's good.
  9. As long as it's not me, I'm cool with how it plays out.
  10. No, Stanley said it. Kenny said SLAP da bazz. I just bang the bass (into the Am note)
  11. (aka playing with himself)
  12. Glenn Campbell's solo to Galveston
  13. As Stanley Clarke said "Play the bass, play the bass, play the bass, everybody's talikn' about playin' the bass"
  14. I literally had that experience back in high school. One of our guitarists wrote a song and he wrote out the bass part for me. I tried and tried to to play it and finally said "Steve this is impossible to play. I need to change a few notes". It was something like the upper left picture. He told me I was crazy. I asked him to play it for me. He couldn't even slowly one note a time. And then sheepishly he said "OK change what you need to".
  15. Bapu


    I pull a Jim every so often even when the jack is in the front.
  16. You did, you just skipped a 9.
  17. Click on Share (in youtube) it puts the link in your copy/clipboard then type ctrl-v in your post. Voila.
  18. I dunno, I have quite a plethora of those. Can I give it a go?
  19. Whaaaa are those blue bottles on the dresser there? Snark Oil?
  20. The last time I consumed any alcohol beverage was with Straummy and Jonbouy in Londontown back in the last decade.
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