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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. JK sat in with The Fab Faux a few years back here in L.A. He hardly hit the skins. Good thing Rich Pagano was playing alongside of him. At least I could hear Rich. BTW I was in the 5th row so I was hearing the stage not the P.A.
  2. I just want my $25 back. ?
  3. That's the plan. Done and done.
  4. Bapu

    Nembrini DC30

    For who? me? you? cclarry?
  5. Bapu

    Nembrini DC30

    Picked this up back in Feb. It's nice.
  6. WTH? I buy it yesterday for $25 and today I get an email from Kuassa: Dear Amplifikation 360 Bundle Completists, Congratulations! Since you have completed all the products inside Amplifikation 360, you are eligible to get our newest product: Amplifikation Lancaster, for free! Please kindly go through these steps to claim your free license: blah blah blah
  7. Seems to be in my (mental) age range
  8. Well, I wasn't. That is my naturally pale/white skin tone.
  9. I simply will NOT buy this. I don't need this. Since I already bought it back in the day. Probably paid $49 for it unless it was on sale for $39 (par for the time).
  10. I'd liek to say I taught Straummy that, but sadly I was sleeping during the whole training session.
  11. @paulo Sorry to disappoint, but I never wear socks with sandals. I call that (sockless) going feet commando .
  12. That's the beauty of the virtual world, I can own as many amps as I would want to IRL without taking up floor space. Especially at 25 bones, it's a no brainer. ?
  13. So now I have triple covers when it gets really really really cold at night.
  14. I did a little test recording on a new rock song I'm working on. I'm liking the results.
  15. IT IS ALIIIIIIIVE!!!!! (those white speckles on the left side of the body are just light reflections. BTW, E for Eddie is what The Lovely Lady has decided. It is used but the only blemish is on the back. As long as I don't play with my teeth like Hendrix the crowd with never know it has that blemish.
  16. Oh boy oh boy another deep discussion of being WUP'd.
  17. @balinasIIRC this was stated in a prior CbB release that the BandLab app was no longer required.
  18. That's some very weird physiology there, if that's where he passes gas from.
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