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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I was up at 3:00AM my time and saw this email. Added it to my arsenal. Now I have the 50 and the 80.
  2. If only there was a way, I'd let you.
  3. Make another entry @49.99 (before Jampoints) to save the day. ?
  4. When the lovely lady sees me programming she says that.
  5. @abacabOr $419.16 as stated by the OP (from JRRShop.com if you are in the USA).
  6. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge Say no more, say no more
  7. I play just juan note. Am. For those that don't know, I invented the Am bass note. It takes care of everything. No need for slappin, or trying to be a lead guitarist.
  8. Anwhere from 8 to 25 feebs is useless to me.
  9. For me: Stratus 3D, Symphony 3D and RX8 Advanced are all well worth the $419.16. Stutter Edit is meh but I'd get that too. I'm not sure I'll actually use that.
  10. Mine arrived yesterday. Of course the build was equivalent to my HD-600s.
  11. I am so fused to this juan. Another one (serial #) bites the dust.
  12. We started our DVR version but only got through 1 hour before went back to binge on Netflix.
  13. I have less that 1TB left of my 8TB samples drive. One man's ceiling is another man's floor?
  14. Useless to me now. I own everything including an AXE I/O. Oh wait. I don't have ARC 3 anymore, since I gave it away after I went with the iLoud MTMs (which each came with a measurement mic). So if it goes to 7 I might as well get that just in case I ever get rid of the MTMs.
  15. Maybe they'll make u in the afterlife (if there is one)
  16. As a piece of guitar history it's beautiful. As a guitar it's a bit on the ugly side. JMO.
  17. Or to the forum member with the highest post count*. *which matters not to me
  18. Ming will buy it (LP #1) and then give it away for free to every CbB user.
  19. Mine are almost here. Currently in New Mexico. Due to arrive Wed the 25th of August, 2021
  20. All your your bass bass r belong to us bapu!
  21. Strange: on Mac I was told 3 EZKeys MIDI packs needed updating. On the PC it was the same but also EZKeys itself required updating. It's ever so slight that I missed doing an update of EZKeys on the PC but I'm pretty diligent about updating both at the same time.
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