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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I can't say how you would use it, but I occasionally use it for inspiration when I feel what I came up with is boring. I've never used the output (yet) of EZBass in a song.
  2. without the obnoxious snoring
  3. I liked the tut. Phil has a pleasant presentation voice and style.
  4. What you are doing in that exercise if letting go of your left brain by concentrating on the lines and not what the lines make up. The theory is eventually you can learn to draw something right side up by seeing the lines and not what the lines make up.
  5. Want to blow your mind? Take a rather simple picture (for starters) and turn it upside down (and I don't mean turn the picture over) and draw what you see. Now turn it right side up. Use something like this:
  6. Can I join that club too? No? At least I have an Alembic Series I bass. But PLEAAAAAASE don't tell anyone. It's the best kept secret of the Coffee House.
  7. So if he continues should it be on a PC or Mac? I'll get me coat
  8. And now I can finally report this message from ToonTrack CS: Hi Edward, You should be able to add the product to your account now, please try again after restarting Product Manager. Our web development team has fixed the issue.
  9. I need to get it installed so that I can 'not use it' right away. At this point I don't even have it and I feel nekkid.
  10. I'm pretty sure he did, but I would venture to say he would still be Lord Tim if he used Reaper, Studio One, ProTools, Harrison Mixbus, Logic, Samplitude or even Mixcraft. Maybe the workflow would be faster or slower, but he knows how to get to the end. ?
  11. 3 hours later (and a CS request) and I still cannot get the new EBX registered through the use of a prepaid generic serial number. It's just not available in the selection list. Sheesh. They had the same problem with the last EZBass MIDI.
  12. Yes, Just woke up. Well, almost... just like the last EZBass MIDI it's not available (yet) using a prepaid serial. They had a snag on that last one that took nearly a day to correct. "Those who don't learn from history are bound to repeat it."
  13. Spoke to Mooch for over an hour on the phone yesterday (Easter Sunday). He went to the Mac/Ableton side of things to build a guide track for his drummer *that only feeds the drummer's headset) and keyboard tracks. All this is for live performances. He says it nearly impossible to find a keyboard play who likes to play 80s hits, which is what his band 'Risky Business" does. He still has a PC laptop that he thinks he might try CbB on. His last Cakewalk install was SONAR Platinum.
  14. I tried to buy it but I was told I don't have the minimum requirements...... talent.
  15. Gald it's there and that works for CbB users in the way that works for them. Reaper is based on the fact that a track can be anything you want (as well as being infinitely nested): it can be a folder, a bus, an audio track, a midi track (simple or instrument like CbB) or a VSTi track and they do not have fixed position buses. It's totally flexible in how your buses/folders/tracks appear in the TV and Mixer. I grew up on hardware mixers and I get the 'logic' fixed bus positions like CbB and Harrison Mixbus. For me the flexibility of freeform placement of buses, tracks and or folders like Reaper and Studio One in the TV and Mixer is a non-hardware approach to DAWs which appeals to me. It may not be for everyone. That's not to say had I stuck with SPLat/CbB that I would have been please to see nested folders a reality but I had been asking for it since the SONAR 8.5 days when I learned of the Reaper approach. Had Studio One not come out with Chord and Arranger tracks shortly after the Gibson shutdown I was fully prepared to go with Reaper as my Go To DAW. For me Studio One beat out Reaper with their implementation of Chord and Arranger tracks.
  16. Nesting in Reaper is hot and with the right theme (which I've finally found the right one for me) the mixer is very intuitive. Studio One works two just not quite as elegantly as Reaper with the theme I use. I'm usually dealing with 50-90 tracks and nesting is essential to me.
  17. I was sworn to secrecy that Mooch and Jonbouy got married. Those were different times. I'm so glad you outted them. Love is love.
  18. Bapu

    Death Spiral

    Yeah, Bitflipper knows words. Thanks for the listen.
  19. Thanks for listen Tom.
  20. I texted Mooch4056 (he was kind of a big deal in the old forum being the Conquistador and all): Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooch And he texted back: Bapuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu So, he's still of this earth and we can rest better knowing that he's on the job for you and me.
  21. Why do dogs do that? Because they can.
  22. If you haven't yet seen it, find the Utoob version of him soloing on While My Guitar Gently Weeps. It may at least change your mind a smidgen.
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