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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. All my hair went down the shower drain.
  2. My 50th HS reonion was last year. Never even bothered to hunt it down. Half of the boys are probably dead now. And 50%of those were from drugs and the other 50% from Vietnam. My HS girlfriend (first wife) is still alive and lives about 30 miles from. I still converse with three bandmates from that era. So that's all the reminiscing I need.
  3. Congrats on the axe Straummy. Happy Birthday me old china.
  4. Hey James, I know it's not what you really want but it's all I've ever seen on the net (note I have not tried it). Piano Playground Sessions
  5. Yes, if I get one. I've made very little purchases from PA this month.
  6. Dang, and I gave away my $75 June voucher. ? I guess I could re-up (for one month) 4ever29 if I was really all that piqued.
  7. Bapu

    Mixcraft 10

    Yesterday I deleted the desktop link (did not uninstall it) for Mixcraft 9.
  8. The Lovely Lady says I'm already "too intense".
  9. Nice vid but my 69.5 year old damaged ears really could not hear much difference between the A/B tests, however she stressed that you/I/we might not hear the diff on HPs and that it would be better on a setup like "this" (hers). Her setup looks to me to cost multi $10Ks. ?
  10. Man oh man, inflation is climbing rapidly. In four days $25K became $250K. Weird, huh? ?
  11. For the first 18 months of COVID I let my hair grow. Now that I'm older my hair is just fine strands of silver threads. I'm back to same old bapu now. In fact, I'm due for a trim.
  12. Not only am I founder and president of The Musicians Suck Club but I'm a member too.
  13. The closest brush with disaster I ever had is when my Mom decided to clean my room and went to pick up my EB-3 (in it's case) but when was unaware that the none of the latches were engaged the bass fell out onto the hardwood floor. The bass survived but it got a 2" indention along the edge of the body (where my right arm crossed it). About 3 years later I traded it up for a Rick bass.
  14. I have to sit this one out. ? Since I already own everything OTS. ?
  15. vst3 installed and vst2 updated here (i.e. new vst2 dll)
  16. Sorry boiz, I fell asleep at the wheel. Installed.
  17. Just painted to look like a Gibson EB-3
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