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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. This was my first analog console (308, not the 208) And then:
  2. Bapu


    We'll make a believer out of you yet @Johnbee58
  3. make no matter to @paulo who is (prolly) still on XP ?
  4. Mana oh mana due dat look familial
  5. Sounds (pun intented) like it was a great-atrocious show Dave.
  6. Did not have any problems on Mac or PC install of v3.0 It might come from clean living ?
  7. Downloaded. Will install later.
  8. Warren, like most of us, has to make a living. My discounted PLAP lifetime membership ain't gonna put food on his table beyond the week I signed up. ?
  9. Same here for the mother-in-law. She is in a beautiful (private) home with only 6 residents and is extremely well taken care of. And, she's only a 20 minute drive away from us.
  10. I hope I can still request tracks even then.
  11. I bought in where it was most expensive to sit on the shelf and not get used. But it felt good at the time.
  12. I can barely keep up with one. Two would blow my mind.
  13. New mix is really good mate.
  14. Ah, the case (pun intended) for a backup DAW machine? I have two. It's a pain keeping them up to date, but doable. And one is a Mac so as long as I don't have to run CbB in the event my PC craps out I'm golden (myGoTo is Studio One). All my projects are backed up to the cloud from the PC so it's easy to get the last version as the last time I shut down a project. I typically pause Carbonite for two hours at a time while I'm working on projects and try to remember to unpause once I'm done, to get automatic backups. My two computer OS drives are backed up nightly.
  15. Well, I hope those two men are punished accordingly if found guilty (regardless of their polytic affiliation) as with the four in FL. For the record I was not saying (and would not say) that The Villages was inherently bad because of these cases. I only mentioned The Villages because James mention it. I'm sure it's a cool place. I've also been to Hawthorne and it's a decent area here in Southern California.
  16. Yup, I was right. 4 residents both voted twice and were caught. As of April 2022, two were awaiting trial but the other two were put under court ordered community service and mandated civics courses to avoid jail time (18 month is they fail to comply).
  17. OT but, isn't The Villages where some people were found to have voted twice in 2020 election?
  18. This is my brain on video.... sorry myoldpal.
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