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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. except it was already posted there this past Saturday (July 30, 2022)
  2. Well done David. Maybe the drums are bit too crushed but it's not a deal breaker. Lotza ear candy for sure.
  3. Gonna have to agree with my primate Daryl on this one.
  4. So....... that's a yes then?
  5. What did you trade to become one? Your own couch? Your own girlfriend? ???
  6. What are these audio monitors you guys speak of? I've been mixing almost exclusively on headphones for over 5 years now. When I use IRL monitors they are just my IKM iLoud MTM pair (basically ARC'd nearfields), or in my average car stereo that came in my 2005 Honda Odessey.
  7. And so we may have come full circle to the title of the OP? I'll get me coat.
  8. More disastrous than me recreating Elvis' first Ed Sullivan performance?
  9. The only thing close to real deal now from PA is 4EVER29* *As long as you are still picking up stuff that will most likely never sell below $99 (IOW new highly priced items).
  10. I'm debating this pedalboard. Looks hazardous ?
  11. I'm working on setting up modest pedalboard in the event a guitarist shows up in the studio to record or jam. I did the Centaur DIY build. Just need to decide on a Wah pedal and then buy the pedalboard. (UPDATE: Dunlop Cry Baby is on the way). For those that don't know there were only about 8,000 Klon Centaur pedals built. They now range in price from $5K-to$8K. The Klon KTR was the modified successor to the Centaur and are a bit more mass produced. Used units (like mine) are in the $600 to $750 range. I got mine for $600. The MOSKY pedals are low cost units that have had some really positive reviews so I thought I would dip my foot in there. All that will be run thru my VOX AC30 (2x12" combo amp).
  12. I saw Issac Hayes perform at the Scientology Celebrity Center back in the 90s. No, I'm not now or ever was a member.
  13. Bapu

    Larry, where you at!

    I'm a bassist and Larry asked me to play bass on that tune. Our (active) member on the old forum Beagle (Reece) did the vocals on that one and maybe the keys. Larry did the rest (guitars, drums and mixing).
  14. Bapu

    Larry, where you at!

    My one and only collab with Lars
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