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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. The Coffee House used to be comic relief. It's kind of a ghost town now.
  2. JMO: Facebook is the devil.
  3. My 2 (pence/cent/centavos/etc.) Lars was on top of immediate availability of sale items that I would get in a company provided email sometimes up to two days later (ToonTrack comes to mind the most). Without Lars posting his insane amount of threads daily I'll just rely on company related announcements. I may miss a deal here or there, but such is life.
  4. He dinnit bring you flowers and chocolates on your first date?
  5. Finally, a price for Sunset Strings I'm willing to pay. Installed!
  6. I'm thinking of becoming a maker of TVs. The brand will be called 'M'. The first advertising campaign will be..... wait for it...... Here it comes...... 'I want my M TV'
  7. That's why I plan to add a 3rd output from the splitter to be DI. That way if down the road I'm not happy with the amp sound, amp sims or FX Chains I can go back and re-amp the DI.
  8. I'd love it to be an Ampeg (I doan own one ? ). I'll be using this bass rig: Old picture. I swapped those mics and added the MINI 47 to other 10". The bottom of the rack is my ART SLA-2 power amp (200w per side), that amp is driven by my Alembic F-2B PreAmp or my Tech-21 NYC GED 2112. They are switchable by a hiden A/B switch. The unit 1 up from the ART is a custom Alembic power supply that feeds the ART. From the left is the Alembic input. Next is the Stereo Input (for my Rick 4003) and then there is the MONO jack (P-BASS eyc) that will either drive the left Alembic PreAmp Channel or both if that lone switch to the left is set to MONO (it needs to be STEREO for the Alembic and the Rick to be output the two pickups to the separate channels).
  9. No, the mic is on my bass rig speaker cab (10 inch). Sorry for the confusion. The Tech21 Landmark only being used for its XLR out, not connected to any cabs. The result is two distinct tracks in the DAW. As I said, from the splitter I could also send a straight DI to a track and then also send one more to my GED 2112 module (for two more tracks). The GED 2112 is simplified "Geddy Lee" verion of the Landmark's controls. Yup.
  10. Mooch and I went to Buddy Guy's club in Chicago. Buddy wasn't there that night though.
  11. Odd, as I said I bought the iLoud MTM pair from the store just as I did with the Axe IO. The AXE IO is in my Hardware tab but the MTMs are not. I'm 99.999999999% sure I never took any steps to register the AXE IO. I'll probably not upgrade anyway. I was curious what the discount would be.
  12. It's left handed and has a handful of wasted frets.
  13. Cost of Equipment = $$$$ Setup once, play Am forever = Priceless
  14. Since the splitter is 4-Way buffered output I can send up to two more signal paths (if desired).
  15. @FleerThey are still available on the All Products Monitors page.
  16. Huh? Absolutely no discount at checkout. $2399.98 on the purchase page, $2399.98 on the checkout page. I own the iLoud MTMs bought at the IK Store.
  17. The members probably felt it even more than you and Mrs. Notes (unless you two abided to the "when in Rome" rule).
  18. I put them through a noise filter and they are now truly unwritten.
  19. so, you did read simon's post then mate?
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