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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. It's left handed and has a handful of wasted frets.
  2. Cost of Equipment = $$$$ Setup once, play Am forever = Priceless
  3. Since the splitter is 4-Way buffered output I can send up to two more signal paths (if desired).
  4. @FleerThey are still available on the All Products Monitors page.
  5. Huh? Absolutely no discount at checkout. $2399.98 on the purchase page, $2399.98 on the checkout page. I own the iLoud MTMs bought at the IK Store.
  6. The members probably felt it even more than you and Mrs. Notes (unless you two abided to the "when in Rome" rule).
  7. I put them through a noise filter and they are now truly unwritten.
  8. so, you did read simon's post then mate?
  9. Nope the two that got deleted. ?
  10. And here I only have $98 in jampoints. Hardley shaves anything off the Precision MTM pair.
  11. I've got serials all lined up for the acquisitions of the offerings in Sept.
  12. Maybe this one won't be so offensive to others?
  13. I think if I had bought the same Better Than Ezra CD twice, the second time they still would not be better than Ezra.
  14. Update: I believe I'm done with PA purchases after I use my Sept 4EVER29 voucher. With that voucher I will top out 129 plugins from them. I did this for way less than 2 years of MEGA XL plan (to get to own what I wanted). I have 11 of their plugins in the form of the UAD version. There are 16 of their plugins that I've determined I'll never really want or need. So, from here on out they'll have to really WOW me with something new to pay full price for. Not likely to happen IMO.
  15. I never really gelled with it, even though I got the v9 upgrade for $29 (or was it $19?).
  16. "I'm just a no one in a rock and roll band" The Moody Bruise
  17. Here's an experiment with EZKeys, EZBass & EZDrummer3, drums were mixed kind of low, sorry. TT Experiment
  18. I was hot to trot on the (intro price) $249.99 Mega Sub, but with this final sale I got the 10 (plus 2 more) plugins I was looking at by using my $75 and $25 August vouchers for just a hair over half off of that $249.99. Here are my stats for the PA plugins line: I already own 11 plugins originally offered by UAD so I don't need to ever buy those. There are 23 other plugins I don't own (5 of which I have zero interest in: Dear Reality and Deskew). I plan to use my 4EVER29 until the end of the year (at least) to pick up 3 more specific plugins I still want. After that I may cancel it, we'll see.
  19. Reminds me of how Citizen Regen works. ? Except Hugo doesn'y *#@% it up, he makes it yards better.
  20. @DeeringAmps Well, I could say "installed"... but since their release was a ways back, they already were.
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