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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I have been proven wrong. ?
  2. It's def a guy thing too.
  3. Bapu

    What a

    Indeedey it twas me old china
  4. Ummmmmm, why? If he's not here posting, why would he be here reading?
  5. The last 4 days of Yoko screaming was not worth it. What's that you say? It was only 4 minutes? Couldn't be.
  6. Leather soles and whipped cream. That's all I got.
  7. The only acoustic instrument I ever record here is drums (and vocal if you want to my vocal an instrument). Soon I am going to be recording my bass rig, which I've never done here.
  8. Bapu

    What a

    pr!ck you would be in this suit:
  9. I've only done this with ProTools and Studio One and in both cases they worked flawlessly. I have not null tested the mixdowns, but that less of an important test to me than does every plugin work.
  10. I entertain myself with thinking I'm a producer/mixer even though I'm also a player of the baz.
  11. If you're (at least) sketching a ballad, yes.
  12. I will update or upgrade everything I own that is on offer (when the price is right, i.e. a sale or intro price). That means: CbB (done, free) Studio One 6 (done) Cubase (done) Digital Performer (done) Reaper (done, free) Mixbus/Mixbus 32C (done) ProTools (done) Reason (done) Logic (not until I have an M1 based Mac. My Mac is too old) What I've abandoned updating: Mixcraft Samplitude
  13. I picked up the AT2020V last year. Have not even used it yet.
  14. "If It's Tuesday This Must Be BobGeldofDay" (c) 2022 paulo
  15. I thought it tasted like whole rat, not crap.
  16. IDK it just tasted good.
  17. I really miss their Jif Low Fat Peenutz Butters
  18. Oh yeah, installed using serials.
  19. THE GOLDEN AGE OF BALLADS. New MIDI packs for EZkeys and EZbass inspired by the golden age of ballads: the 1980s! We’re happy to release two new MIDI packs inspired by the magic of the 1980s! As always with MIDI packs created in tandem – they’re great on their own…but can work wonders together! Head to our site to have a listen. TO THE EIGHTIES
  20. Installed! (yesterday morning)
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