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About Talionlab

  • Birthday 12/31/1870

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  1. Yes! it's just that I use Strum GS-2,The same problem exists.
  2. I have encountered the same problem. I think there must be something wrong with AAS. It seems that they rarely maintain and update their products, so I almost dare not use this plug-in now. Sorry, my English is poor.
  3. Monoplugins has re-released its Monique and B-Step Sequencer plugins for Windows and macOS as freeware. Both products were priced at $49 previously. https://www.kvraudio.com/product/monique---bass-and-lead-synthesizer-by-monoplugs
  4. I need help. Is there any software with the same function as RMAA (RightMark Audio Analyzer)?
  5. Melodyne 5 just released, Why did they use such an early version??
  6. Did you see that? From Melodyne: Cakewalk by Bandlab Cakewalk, thanks to its support for our ARA Audio Random Access technology, integrates Melodyne in a way that is particularly user friendly. We have tested the latest versions of Melodyne 5 with the following configurations: Cakewalk 2019.05 (Build 31) under Windows 10 Pro ? In the Help Center, you will find detailed information and tips on the use of Melodyne in Cakewalk.
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