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James G

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Everything posted by James G

  1. I'm amazed that no-one seems to have heard of him. Fantastic voice, and he had the courage to turn his back on his pop career to record some of the most uncompromising music ever. The Walker Brothers had some tremendous songs, love this one (Midge Ure did a fine cover of it)
  2. Paulo. I honestly can't be arsed. You know what I mean. Make the CH what you want it to be, just like the Songs forum.
  3. No, I'm not. I'm just bored of the lazy, witless bollocks that passes for 'humour', tediously carried over from the last place. Although I'm actually quite surprised that 'Wong on So Many Levels' hasn't appeared yet. It's only a matter of time.
  4. I very much doubt that David Kelly was Welsh. (lick o' paint, one hour)
  5. There's a lady called Molly asking about musical scores further down the page. She's already been 'treated' to the rapier-like wit of the CH.
  6. Well thank you Bill, that's nice
  7. Can't see your photo, is it like this?
  8. How do you imagine any composer does that? That's like asking how Charles Dickens decided what words to use...
  9. Up to you, but I can guess how it'll go, until the thread gets locked.
  10. Yes, many times, and it's never ended well, has it? You know what they say about doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different end result.
  11. James G

    The London Way

    Nice one Steve. Lovely mood to this, very wistful and engaging.
  12. Good, well written song Lynn, you certainly have developed a style all of your own over the years. Excellent turnaround into the hookline, very nice. The only thing I would crit is the drums, they seem a bit disconnected from the track; they're pushing along OK but not really responding to what's happening.
  13. It's even more weird when you call it 'St Patty's Day', when the Irish contraction of Patrick is 'Paddy' (Patrick is the English translation of Padraig, in Irish Gaelic) Patty is short for Patricia.
  14. It would be 'Pedant's Day'. 'Pedantic' is an adjective, not a noun.
  15. Wow, quite an ambitious piece, reminiscent of Pink Floyd, and your vocal delivery is Roger Waters-like. The first 3 minutes or so seemed a bit 'full-on' from the start, could maybe strip things back to start with then add instruments in to keep the interest up and build the arrangement. Lyrically it's a little bit obvious, I ended up playing 'guess the next rhyme' and got most of them right. Some cool stuff going on though, I liked the atmospheric bridging sections.
  16. Ads all over posts now. W10 desktop. That'll kill this place for me.
  17. Scrub that, I'm seeing ads now. Yuck.
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