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James G

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Everything posted by James G

  1. Would it be possible to have more threads on a page at the songs forum? At the moment there are 19 which means a thread will drop to page 2 pretty quickly, and hardly anyone goes to page 2. I think the old forum had nearly 50 threads on a page.
  2. See, it's not just me that loves it ? Very cool stuff mate.
  3. This is a well-written and performed song Sean. Easy to see a lot of work has gone into this. Very nice arrangement and use of supporting instruments and harmonies. The lyrics are quite unusual in places, but I like that, reminds me a little of Clifford T Ward's style.
  4. John - thanks! Amicus - thanks very much Tim - thank you, that's an interesting comparison, I'll have a listen and see if I can pick it out Ed - thanks a lot, most kind Tom - many thanks, I must admit I wasn't sure about this one until Preston added the drums, then it gelled. I did go a bit overboard on the low stuff in the section you mentioned, probably didn't need the Hammond in there too David - thanks! Sean - thanks very much, another interesting comparison, never heard of that band. I need to work on connecting those modular sections a bit better
  5. I remember this one, really good driving song, full of hooks, vocal and guitar. Reminds me of Bryan Adams a little.
  6. I don't agree with everything Peterson says, but a lot of it makes sense to me. He's occasionally a voice of reason in ridiculous times.
  7. First song post here, a brand new one. Many thanks to Preston Richardson (Single-Minded Soldier Studio) for the drums All comments and crits most welcome!
  8. That is a great riff. I hear a little James Hetfield in the vocals, in a good way. Cool song, but it sounds a little hemmed-in, if that makes any sense. Listening through headphones it sounds quite mono, was that intentional? I think with a more expansive mix this would be a killer tune.
  9. Yes, you have , many times. We've all got years and years worth of material we could flood the new forum with. It's a matter of personal choice how to go forward.
  10. Yep, this was a very nice collab, I remember it. New forum - time for something new now!
  11. It's a cool reggae tune - when that darn diving synth drops out ? The whole thing relaxes when it's absent, it's manic sounding with it.
  12. Nothing to criticise, except it was far too short! I really enjoyed that.
  13. If you hadn't told the history of this, I would never have known it was from a cassette, sounds really good through headphones. You have a good voice, reminds me a little of Glen Frey. Very nice guitar work too, enjoyed that
  14. James G


    What a great song Steve, never heard this one before. You're good at building the backing arrangement as the song goes on, I like that. I could make suggestions about the mix, but actually it works just fine, it's dreamy and melancholy, suits the song perfectly.
  15. Interesting song Steve. Sounds both retro and contemporary at the same time. Can't really offer any advice cos it's such an unusual sound (to me), that I assume that's what you were going for.
  16. Really like this chap's work, nice retro style and all 'old school' - drawing board, paper, pencils, paint and brushes. http://www.markthomasillustration.co.uk/contents.htm
  17. I kept my SH101 and Drumatix right from the early 80s until about 8 years ago. Sold them as a pair to a London DJ for £600. I was amazed to get that much.
  18. Well that took me by surprise when the groove kicked in, I was lulled by the Floyd-ish intro. Really good work, super mix and good video to accompany it.
  19. I very much enjoyed that 'Bright Carvers' collab we did Andy, good fun.
  20. I write and record prog-ish rock-ish melodic instrumentals, but that's mainly cos I can't write songs, or I'd do that. I listen to many genres, on a Mark Knopfler kick at the moment.
  21. Oh, and for rapid-fire one-liners and puns, Tim Vine.
  22. James G

    Sweet Afton

    Pretty tune Bjorn, flows along very nicely. These aren't real acoustics are they? The underlying fingerpicked one is very realistic, the one playing the melody creeps into 'harp' territory at times. Doesn't really detract though.
  23. Loved Les Dawson, great monologues.
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