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Everything posted by henkejs

  1. I bought Jamstix the last time there was a good sale. Still haven't had time to really dig into it. Here's a question for Jamstix users -- say I've got my song laid out and tweaked the styles and everything until I'm happy with it all, does Jamstix play different fills, etc., every time it plays the song? Or does it keep playing the same things every time through until I change something?
  2. Glad to hear you're up and about. Hope your recovery continues to go well.
  3. Thanks for the graphic, msmcleod! That's what I was trying to describe in my previous post.
  4. Once I opened a project from a previous version of SONAR. Couldn't see any buses, but I knew they used to be there. It turned out the bus pane was collapsed at the bottom of the screen, and I had to drag up the track/bus divider to see the buses again.
  5. This works for me too. For songs with vocal parts, I find it helpful to sing a scratch track before recording all the audio tracks. Sometimes the tempo that seemed right for the guitar or piano part isn't comfortable to sing to and needs to be changed. Like other people have mentioned, I like to use Tempo view to map out tempo changes throughout the song -- maybe speed up the choruses a little, add a slight pause at the end of a bridge, or slowly increase the tempo throughout the song. I just keep tinkering with Tempo view until everything feels right. My workflow dates back to a time when there was no simple, reliable way to extract a tempo from a freely recorded audio track. If you wanted to use MIDI drums or other parts, it was easier to record to a loop or click from the beginning. I'd be curious to hear more from people who use Melodyne or some other tool to extract a tempo from a freely recorded audio track. How well does this work? Do you have any tips for getting the best results? I could see the benefit of this approach if it's workable.
  6. Thanks for sharing that. It sounds like your father lived an amazing life. Condolences to you and your family.
  7. I switched from a Delta 1010LT to a Focusrite 6i6 when I bought a new PC. Been happy with it ever since.
  8. Still using Thunderbird here. I find it easier to keep things organized than my online gmail account.
  9. I left about 20 years ago, but still have relatives in Minnesota. They hunkered down for a couple of days, but no doubt will be walking around with their coats unzipped when it gets above 0 again.
  10. Much sympathy, John. It's a wrenching loss. Please keep the avatar if it's not too painful.
  11. A new PC I got in 2017 had trouble with occasional clicks and pops during recording. Disabling the controller seemed to solve the problem. Just to be safe, I always check the setting after any major Windows 10 update.
  12. No emails here either. I've double-checked my spam folder and my forum settings.
  13. Didn't see your post until today. It's working OK for me this morning.
  14. No emails here. Nothing in my spam folder either.
  15. Just wondering what other people think. It looks like people are posting Cakewalk questions in the "General" forum as well as in the "Q&A" forum. Personally, I'd be fine with combining both forums rather than forcing people to decide which of the two is the right place for their Cakewalk-related posts.
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