Another licence question from yours truly...
So if I only authorize my licence on iLok and not in my Izotope account, where does the record for my purchase exist if I have problems down the road?
Highly recommend reading over this thread before you update:
According to the forum, the new update means you can't download amps from the Tonecloud that use custom amps from BiasAmp unless you also own Bias Amp. That wasn't the case earlier. Taking away functionality would be an interesting way to operate.
I'm using a first gen Scarlett as well. It seems to be getting worse lately... I hate how hard it is to verify. Is it software, drivers, DAW, OS? Who knows .. lol
I've tried TwoNotes WoS, Pulse by Lancaster Audio and the native IR loader in BiasFX 2
Mostly I've found them all over engineered. I just want a list of files that I can click on to load the IR (i.e. similar to Windows File Explorer). The ones I've used are either way too many useless bells and whistles (i.e. TwoNotes) or they truncate file names to the point they're useless (i.e. Pulse and BiasFX)
MixIR seems like it might be more up my alley because the list looks nice. $50 to just load IRs seems steep however.
At the end of the day I just want to play guitar and I've found I waste too much time fiddling with the IR loader.
EDIT TO ADD: Another thing that I don't need at all is extra EQs and Reverbs built-in. I already have plenty that are probably better.