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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I can't believe I get to do this but...
  2. Do you guys know what happens to AT4? For example, do I need to finish songs with AT4 before upgrading to 5 or can I use both concurrently?
  3. Yes, like Grem said... I was able to use $45 of my jam points
  4. Thanks for popping in Peter! You're always good to us here. Having had a day to look into this a bit more, I am now excited again. I do wish the upgrade to max was a little more based on what you have (a la Soundtoys) That said, I think the regular AT4 to AT5 for like $140 is a pretty nice price. I use this product basically everyday. I even wandered off into BiasFx land for awhile and ended up coming back to AT with my tail between my legs. Those things considered, I think this is worth it and looks pretty good! ETA: Also, I have like $100 in jam points making it basically a no brainier! Thanks again for all your efforts Peter!
  5. Like others have said, little disappointing that basically none of the expansions give you any discount towards MAX. Was going to be an instant buy, but now I'm going to wait. Not least of all because it's a pre-order. I really don't get the concept of a teaser for a pre-order. Just release a product or don't FFS. I really hate marketing. ?
  6. I smashed my pinky today at work! How dare work get in the way of this! ?
  7. Hey! Who told you about our money?!?!
  8. I think it's broken... I turned it all the way down to zero and my music still sounds amazing ?...?
  9. I've actually been using that quite a lot lately myself for practicing.
  10. A new GUI for sure. Hopefully an overhaul of the preset menu (would love to hide what I don't own, but it's IK so I'm not holding my breath) The one thing I don't love about Amplitube is the amps have been modeled over what? Like 15 years? Would love if they redid some of the older stuff.
  11. The suspense is killing me... Damn you viral marketing!!!
  12. For anyone wondering... I bought one of these last time around (6+ months ago I believe) I sat on the licence until last week when I built my new computer. I was a little worried to not have used it right away, but it worked perfectly.
  13. Yeah, that's actually an excellent point. It's much nicer that it stays open going through presets on the synths.
  14. Aaaaaaaahhhhh Yeeeaaaaaah!
  15. I think the new preset browser has a pretty weird implementation. It is now the old way and the new way. Maybe that's for backwards compatibility, but it's kinda strange to open the preset browser from the old preset menu.
  16. So I have Horizon..... And I'm wupped... But It still feel like I need to ? at the fact that we're already jumping to v12... Remember how long v9 lasted? At this rate v12 will last 3 months.
  17. I looked for about 2 minutes and realized I don't want to spend that much time looking through a list of knix knacks
  18. How did you find out about the update? I can't see anything on their site. Not seeing release notes either ?
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