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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. So did you guys just recieve the licence via e-mail right away? I signed up earlier, but the only e-mail I've recieved from Waves is another sign-up email for the free plugin, not the code itself. ?
  2. I have all three... They are superb in my opinion.
  3. AAS should know better! Thanksgiving was in October!
  4. So there's really no reason to buy them except maybe once a year when you might get a discount? I guess if you buy like 1000 you get a deal too. ?
  5. Hey Larry, do they ever have sales on credits? I can't remember.
  6. $70 to upgrade to assistant... Think I'll finally get this
  7. oooohhhh.... for the UPDATE.... I'm dumb
  8. Thought that was a pretty great video. I'm even more excited now. Any idea how the CPU hit will be in AT5 compared to AT4?
  9. If I had to guess, the new CLA plugin will be something 'punch' related
  10. Come on Mibby, we all know this simple equation: Learning things < Purchasing things
  11. I use and like AD2... but it's hard to want to buy further into a product that seems to be dead. Been 5 years since release.
  12. That's literally the explanation of that dumpster fire plugin! ?
  13. Maybe waves did? Let me check my 30 emails ?
  14. Yeah, I've thought about buying gear credits before but always just ended up using normal money.
  15. Sooo.... seeing as how this is my first weekend off since Labour Day... I'm thinking we should just release this in about 20mins?? Come on Peter! I'm ready to rock!!
  16. Excellent news Peter! This was probably the biggest complaint in most of the Amplitube 4 threads I have ever read. I can say personally I'll be just as likely to check out the custom shop, but this will make daily use MUCH better!
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