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Everything posted by RSMcGuitar

  1. I definitely remember v9 to v10 being a long time. Now we're already almost to v13. That's way to fast for the price of WUP
  2. I think v12 is more of a tier. All versions 12 plugins are in the v12 tier.
  3. I got excited there was a new free Vallhalla plugin, but I've had this forever ?
  4. RSMcGuitar

    XLN Sale

    I've had a yet-to-be-used Kitpiece and ADPak in my account for about 5 years...
  5. "Here's how the Harrison sounds..." Continues talking with no audio examples.......................smh EDIT: oh... he used it on his own talking mic.... mega meh
  6. At first it was cancel cable and get Netflix. Now it's cancel cable and there's Prime, Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, HBO Max.... on and on and on. I'm done with subscriptions for software. It makes no sense. Eventually if you want to use more than one company you'll have to have a bunch of subscriptions, which will be very expensive. If I had a subscription to all the software I own, it would be like $1000 a month. Not happening.
  7. Went a bit strangely for me too. It didn't end up showing in the Custom Shop that it was owned, but when I opened AT5 it was there and functional. Pretty nice little freebie! Thanks IK! Pretty excited about what they have in the works for AT5, I just hope it's not all metal-ish. ETA: I closed and re-opened the Custom Shop and it was there.
  8. Same boat for me. I like the GEM stuff but it always remains out of reach $wise
  9. Typical... Not a female in sight...
  10. Well, I went for it. Will I regret it? Maybe... But I haven't bought a new plugin in awhile!
  11. Good thing you added the shniggles part... Otherwise.... ?
  12. I should have known better... ?
  13. What a weird sale. Get this sale before our upcoming crapier sale, WTF
  14. https://www.solidstatelogic.com/sslupgrade This seems pretty good. Anyone using it?
  15. Don't temp me to get out the DOOM II disks!
  16. I thought she was more of a Hussey... ba dum tis
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