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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Nice bass

    Jokes appart , incredible use of the brass to replace bass lines .... really love how they manage it . Of course the rest is exellent also
  2. Ahahah i didn't even talked about IK lol
  3. I have Chandler Germanium licence i would like to trade for the CL1B mkII if anybody wanna get rid of it's licence
  4. Larry what about you take some well deserved holidayz lol
  5. Yep i checked it , 165 is till too much
  6. The green to have is the uad , nothing like ... pa version is diff , sounds great anyway ... but i went fir he red. The vca is so much better
  7. Can we use several time the vaucher ? Like consecutiv purchases ?
  8. I feel you , i registred st 4 and saw the editor , inwas like yeah a way to manage content , but it s a sample editor ...i thought it was solething to organise everything in st .. they def should do sole like that ...
  9. Thks , totally forgot that , can i choose to dowload for exemple only drums , how the install will then ?
  10. Depend if your a designer or just a producer that need good presets ...
  11. Discovered this guy if i recall from the good camel AudioAchemy dayz ...
  12. Guyz , same goes for st 4 , may i ask you how to download but not install stuff ? had promotions slots availlable i rushed puting st 4 in one of them but if i can t only download with installing (90 gb remaining ng on my ssd) .... this thing is usueless and will'ask support if i can swap choice for other stuff Also presets in standalone seems to load fine now , is it becuase i have a sampletank 4 lincence now ? Or an update in thecneter have been made ?
  13. Oh man just forgot i didn tchoose all my ik group buy promotions....
  14. UAD 3+ pack = UAD AMS RMX 16 / UAD Precision K stereo / Precision Limiter (since i missed the TC sale) / Harrison 32 C Littel Labs Alignement tools (the most impacting of the above pruchases) Cubase 11 pro upgrade Bass on mind still lol Missed TC electronic sale how are we supposed to try and master a tool in 3 dayz , like brands think giving 72 hours means 72 of plugin testing ? problem being TC sale is yearly so it's not like let me test it and then 2 months later i can have it
  15. everything AI i skip lol just a precuation ahahaha (i must be watching too much movies)
  16. Check this out : free fpor Symhobia owner , major update , i like it , hope it's stable , seems like you can stack instruments layers (look down)
  17. I'm good with 11 and my key Like s1 , still on 4.6.2 , ain't feeling like missing anything for now
  18. Zo

    TC MD4 HD Demo

    Thks Ken , i created another ilok account so all good , don't know how to erase the thread lol
  19. For me it's very pedagogical for people to pappreciatte each units stregnth and caracter , and the interafce is just spot on , not too much just waht's needed most of the time , kinda like the AMS 16 rmx , limited control but why more in most cases !!
  20. MusicTribe has been my worst experience personnaly ....
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