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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    lol yep right , but you're my eyes homie
  2. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    If you don't want it no more you could resale
  3. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    Larry is this the best price 49 $ new or has it been lower ?
  4. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    Testing as i type , can we play chord via one notes ? i don't wnat that EZKEYS type of building bloks of chords , i want to map chords on keyboard ... is it possible ?
  5. Zo

    Waves free plugin

    UVI workstation is great and easy and free
  6. lol Cosmos finder ...just like that ahahah Waves Gui start to make me fell like Mercedes crappy interior , went from class to kids video game ....
  7. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    I have Xfer Cthulu and it's deep ....does scaler have arpegg and strum ?
  8. Nope i pointed the culprite and it was linked to internal routing .... they're supposed to be on it ... confirmed by support .
  9. Stream deck looks great if i recall well Dom sigalas done a video on it ....
  10. I heard people stealing gas up north ...
  11. Just for Support / build quality and QC , go for ISA series imho , really not because i have it , but really because the build quality is superior .
  12. Zo

    Scaler 2 Sale!

    no way to demo this thing ?
  13. By the way guyz the ISA one is king , and think twice cause isa one allows for mic and instrument + DI so it is veritually 3 IN !!! witch means 2 ISA can handle 6 IN or at least 2 mic and 2 Ins simultaneous (if you don't need DI ) So depending on what you need , this could be exellent and imho the VU and cue mix Headphone control is just superb addition This is the one i used for my videos (with a RODE K2 by the way ) and Tube mic + Solid state PReamp = bingo !!!
  14. Bapu , no so fan of Warm audio , it all depends on what you want to record , for main stuff and crucial stuff , i rather have less channelk but quality instead of a lot of medium quality unless it is for stuff like secondary drums ect ....you tell us if it's really a cheap API Isa is really imho the best bang for the buck no matter the number of channels , quality wise if you want pristine , Millenia is superb as well as some portico RND stuff but budget isn't the same ..... Black lion usually have great stuff and affordable but i didn't tried their quad mic
  15. Focusrite isa two , exellent bang for the buck , isa preamp is imho one of the most underatted mic pre around and only pro s know it ( precise , warm , neveLundahl transfos) https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/ISATwo--focusrite-isa-two Everytime one of my students grabbed one they re crazy on why no more people have those ... (and they compare it usually to big dogs we have a t school ) other option is bae stuff if you want that 1073 sound but really isa will be solid for all your carrier ...
  16. It all depends on where you are in the porcess , each tools has its place if used at the right moment ... There s a diff between your feeling about a tools and its legitimity to be used there . production is the most violent process , formalising something unfirmal ...this process is (like all ) depending on the human ability to do it right , the more time , the less you re close to the instant truth , the more your brain is in the task the less ckose you re to the instant truth .... evrytool than can speed up:this process and make your interaction feeling smooth is by essence benefical even if you don t feel like so by/lack of consciousness of you re very work at this time . To each its tool .... this thing can do wonder to leads you to creating something unique and generate that instant truth witch gonna lead you to somthing pure artistic wise in oposion to something poluated by processes compensend by technique and habbit giving people the illusion of quality referenced to something already heard ... Don t know if i m clear .
  17. I don t know , thing is that editing in daws is so non fun that i tend to skip it aspossible witch can lower production quality sometime as a result of lazyness .... Those type of tools alows complex move to be fast and fun ...
  18. Don t under estimate , stressed muscles sepcially cervical and mouthb, big impact on ears ... oncles long time firned is a specialist and when i had so stuff with ears , he explained a lot to me and treated a part woth magnesium and destressed exrcice for mouth ...yep for my ears ...
  19. Zo


    Just type this in your browser main adress search ...lol this made my day , people are just so so !!!
  20. Guyz this thing is deeeeeeppppp
  21. Oups missed that one , happy B day oncle B !!!
  22. The elicenser stuff will be handle via comp from then , this is what a rep told me , so basically , it will be like transfering elicencer stuff to comp and the do what you want ....
  23. Ahahaha , sorry , i would have done the same lol .. no sale on those ,i even ask if they would provide any edu prices on those and nada .... i guess when you re on the top of the hill , no efforts have to be made ....
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