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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Gyz can't seems to run this free piano , it say "the instruments belong to a :librayr that is not installed " while i done everything from the heavycocity portal .....
  2. Damn i missed that live ... i missed simon « bonne humeur » Suprised by the free piano ...
  3. Quadra is my fav personnaly such a unik gem ...
  4. Same here the number 2 is what i m missing , skipping this for now as last time since the number 1and lumina got me covered for what i do ... would love those price on swing ...
  5. Lol well what can i answer to that exept thks for the kinda words .... if i can make somebody smile a per day , i m the happier here ....
  6. CLASS A + in each section : (my fav one is at 4min 29 called bloom)
  7. Zo


    Bapunovitch has spoken !
  8. Still in v3 here lol never felt the need to update ... Since i got console 1 , i don t use it ... it ssuperb but my workflow is covered with c1
  9. Nah i m serious my friend , i didn t edited it (only comments) and i find some area were not that usefull or needed ...
  10. The problem with izotope is the fx imho and presets ... i really start from scratch and use usually two modules ... But like always its a question of context , in tracks ovox was prefered because more modern ect ... and of course a question of taste ... I will give the imageline a go again thks for the reminder .
  11. Zo


    Ez pattern edition seems solid , ability with one knob to add complexity/notes , transitionsect .... ik must really deliver more than jus grroves imho to fight in this area. ... But the one i use 90 % of the time versus ez and trillian is Modo . For the type of bass lines i play it straight efficient ,fast and convicing , and react well with an amp post ...tone control is superior to anything else imho witch is key .
  12. Zo


    For me it s hard drive .... lol ( test drive) and see ... i hope we can test it ...at least the groove thing ..
  13. Zo


    So the big news is grooves ?
  14. I remeber it was sounding great and powerfull , also conv8ncing , but i say limitedwhen i have something like vocalsynth with 5 engine a deeper fx section , edition for each engine as well as pitch correction ...(of the dry voice witch can help lol) but thks for reminding us this one i remeber being impresseed by it giving the poor quality of some other fx in the bundle (some are superb like the wavecandy )
  15. I asked them about this : no comment was the answer .... imposcar was updated as well as the sample based one . seems like they hav3 a solid framework so who knows .. By the way isnt my intro kinda boring on this video ( done it on the rush since i m in the midlleof work i need to finish fast) ?
  16. Wondering why it doesn t more talk around ... it s truly a serious soft synth guyz . For me the last time i was suprised with soft synths was Diva , Softube moog and roland cloud ... But none are like this one ...
  17. Wanted to share this one guyz , an absolute " to try" synth guyz , didn't expected this one !!!
  18. really liked this one as well but same , too limited imho
  19. Don't be to confifdent , he got the Irish mob loding his back .... everything possible
  20. just bougth another Octo 2 month ago ...:(
  21. On this one it's real vocoder but only people that never tried a real vocoder thinks it's easy ...some words are crazy to be able to be heard ... Really challenging to sing in for real ... By the way fro the story i pointed to him the softube for him to try and he skipped it , so do i since i needed to be in sync with what he uses ...
  22. Didn't tried it ..... Production wasn't tight at all so mix was a challenge ...the guy (a friend) is a dancer not a singer lol so melodyne helps lol check ovox in action , also mixing one as i type i will make you hear it ...
  23. I'm mixing a guyz that is doing west coast funk gfunk electro , he's using a lot ovox (witch kills my session cpu lol) , pretty versatyle , for me sound wise i love vocal synth but it's really cpu heavy . Softube seems great if you're stricly about this sound .... in vocalsynth you can mlix diffrent type of algo witch is great , i love that airy breathy control for exemple to add to main lead to bring intelligibility to vocoded vocals ...
  24. oups didn't paid attaention to that my bad cliked and navigated (on ipad) thks , such a strange moves if you ask me
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