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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Taking the occasion to ask around , any of you guyz using touchscreen just under your hand it's close and usefull ...
  2. So you're going 1080 P + windows scale ? woah !!! it's really "being in the mix" lol
  3. So what resolution are you getting ?
  4. Exact but don't you find the picture not so great (with TV's ) ? like granular at some degrees (unless you go led 4k + ) ?
  5. ahahah well i just have my 27 screen closer to me thks to and Ergotron arm .... i never liked the texture and quality of those TV screens , if they're close you really need extra high resolution witch then makes things not so bigger .... PS : i consider myself on your side when it comes to eye handicap lol i f...up my visions with all those screens since 3 decades ...
  6. I always wondered how you guyz do , using tv's as monitors ... for it to be usable it has to be farrer than a regular monitor , but a lot of time i see it really close ....and it's really not confortable imho
  7. Zo

    McDSP May Sale

    Prices are super high !!!
  8. You re missing nothing on tv
  9. Some good point here , it depends on several factor : 1) the viral charge , doing a test at start or end will not be positive 2) after a study on dead people from "covid" in germany , they find out that test where all positive in throat while 80 % on noise ... so it really depends on conditions and imho hygenia .... At the end , positive doesn't mean you're sick !!! JUST TRUST your BODY , test is for legislation .... i really didn't cared about tests , and my wife forced me to do one , while i already i was sick , i asked here what for ? in all case i will treat the way i'm supposed to (artemesia /thym /vitamin D / Zync ect ...) If you lose taste it's a tuff one , if not , not worst than a regular flue ....
  10. Key is to take it as a hobby , and have other activities .... you're just getting mature , and understand that in life other things matters most , the chance i have is that my job is music related (teaching) so i don't feel totatlly disconected and i work for hire to mix and master , but creative wise , i keep that for me one time a year escape in south of france where i compose what i mix the rest of the year ...(albums , songs ect ...) Don't force yourself , alternate technical works and artistic creation .... space creration the more to be in "need" for it , and once your in that processs you'll be super productive ....
  11. I've found the test s to be quiet efficient ... the thing is that at the end trust your bodie ,if you have it and it's a bad one , you'll feel it , if not , just keep living normal .... again after all this years we now know for sure that this is not in the air but "manu porté" (hand transported , need contacts) , air to be contaminated needs 8 hours straight exposure , confined witch is very rare scenarios , just do usuall procaution and mask yourself "for poeple to feel safe "...sad but that's the only impact of the mask PS : kids all had it once , wife also , me 2 times ... (first time was the tuff version , taste lost , floored in bed for 3 days ,)
  12. LAst update guyz : I can validate this laptop for any serious Music makers : 1) Latency Mon results are great 2) it's dead silent after specific moves (i can help if needed , easy ones ) 3) Quality suprised me !!! all Alumùnium , zero flex , screen is superb with calibration profils (1600 p reso 16/10) 4) Light weigth , thin and solid ... 5) 4 USB ports (2 A and 2 C) Cons : not intel so not thunderbold and it's sata 3 not 4 (but personnaly those numbers are already great ) not display ports (but easily done via adpator) Find one (hard to find one ;)) Tested UAD satellite usb : all smooth !! (was afraid cause AMD) Oh yeah and the 3060 video card is imho the one to get , it's chilling on what ever i've throwed in from games to apps
  13. Like all brands it depends on the line , update is now computer is almost silent ! Thks to clean install and tweaking ... i think the lenovo app managing power scheme migth be the culprit ... also guyz in windows there a game mode that is on by defualt be sure to take it off ... Trackpad is crap , but the rest is exellnt , if i decide to keep it , i will change either the laptop or ask for trackpad replacement ... (not tuff to even change on my own since it s under the battery , no motherboard to take off . Still i have other test to do (uad satellite ect ...) dpc latency is exellnt in the clean install also ... i go zero fan until 46 to 50 degres even when plugged ...
  14. Old comp is fine and i love it , this is why i bougth a new one , to fuk up the new one instead of the old one lol also because prices are imho going to raise in proportion of us agressivity with china and possible sanctions ...
  15. Yep i did the hacks , but it doesn t bring advanced setting i had to edit registry to get cpu power management option back ... ( i also discovered some other option that lets you limit the frequnecies , thresholds ect but anyway , i m not talking low fan i m talking no fan here ... i managed to create a silent mode on my own by limiting the cpu freq at 1.8 like on battery mode ... zero fan until 42 degres witch is too low ! my dell can be zero fan until 50 degrees witch is quite never reached in idle ... this is what i want ... zero control other the fan noise via os , it s bios made ...tried sevral 3 party software but no go ... too bad cause this is the best bang for the buck around , a superb performer .
  16. Philip , is your dell a new one ? is it silent (zero fan ) when on idle ? my is , the new thinkbook i just got is very well built , latency is exellent , the power is insane , but while super quiet while gaming versus other laptops , it can be quiet when idle !! fans kicks in at 42 degrees !!! then when at 39 they stop and then when at 42 they're back !! Also i wanted to go in power settings advanced settings to put cpu cooling in passive mode : option is not there since a certain windows upate (yep people ask me why i stay on win 8 !!)
  17. I think it s one of those few cases where mouse is faster that controller ... the sequencial type of joystik instead of random makes it less attrativ , but price isdope ...
  18. Went for the Thinkbook for test , been in a shop , the omen is nothing better than my son pavillon gaming quakity wise ....so i skipped it ... Skipped the Legion Slim 7 becuase the thinkbook has sevreal areas that in case of serious job needed during lokdown or some ares superior : Screen : 2 K versus HD Cam : FHD versus 720 p MAterial / color : will certainly edge better imho ... I was hesistaing with the legion (witch is still a plan B in case i don't have a solid latency) because the legion have a great reselle value versus thinkbook .... Still my xps working like a charm witch is what bothers me .... Now need to buy new Tires for car since it's going up also in may (+ 10 to 15 % i heard from dunlop , michelin , continental ...Ect )
  19. Finally gonna use my µZenology in maschine :::!!!!!! all the gogo kits and sounds (love the loops in ecthnic srx)
  20. yep i downloaded them also until i've read the comment lol , the mc dsp video is indeed vague .....
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