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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Zo

    Overloud Voice

    i know that's why overloud gets my attention .
  2. I just need a mkiii with soundcard ....at 400 $ to replace my maschine studio ... No touch screen on is one ? Meh ...
  3. Zo

    Overloud Voice

    Surprised , i was like meh anothe vocal processor but this one actually shells the gas ...
  4. Zo

    STL Tones AmpHub

    Yep , i do find Howard Benson suite the most usable and reasonable , give it a spin , the thing with high gain is that the upsampling is a must to avoid aliasing and so they do it on purpose ..... the X factor is imho superior
  5. Jokes appart i really love it .... different in a good way
  6. Same here i ve let previous codes pass ... doing the same here , i would have getting a diezel or friedman amp but i m set with stl and neural
  7. Zo

    STL Tones AmpHub

    Marc, real cpu ot asio cpu ... it also depends on amps , fenders in howard benson are 2 times less heavy than the vox ac30 from andy james for exemple
  8. Ah ok ... well monetising is useless unless you have a very lot of views ....
  9. Question what 1k sub is supposed to do as you become youtuber ?
  10. I know Larry but can t in custom shop , and buying from ik store is a no go for me since i entered my french adress (to receive Arc in paris back then ) so prices are crazy high even with jampoints , they basically null .... i should ask ryann to put my new orleans adress .... anyway , still can t understand why in CS , we can buy stuff and can t for other ...
  11. I paid 129 for the lursen thinking i had a great deal lol .... well still can t use my 130 credits in custom,shop', def want ampitube max instead of buying each amps indon t habe one by one ...
  12. still expensive price per band lol
  13. didn't even noticed that bug lol
  14. mmm interesting gap is lower from 40 $ i would have gone izotope but is it my system or this bad boy is cpu hungry like crazy !!
  15. Zo

    Vertigo Synth

    Larry , for one seconde i was like "vertigo sound make synths ?"
  16. Damm ok , if you see somebody sell it cheap , holla ...actually best price is 62 $ it's not even in mercury if i wup ....?
  17. Larry , i missed the sale to get ovox at 40 at jrrshop (overwelmed here at hpme with stuff) , anything in your radar ? exactly when i need it for a G funk project....
  18. Supported is one thing , but it won t even install ...and as you know windows retro compatibilite is way more solid thn osx for exemple , also most dev support actual os and os -1 .... presonus is one of the few that done that ... and we re talking a DAW , professional , they should know people don t change system specially studios that often ... if you know how to get the dependencies missing , that would be cool ...
  19. Oncle L wake me up when windows 8 support is back ....
  20. Ok'my first learnt english sentence at school , time to use it : what is that ?
  21. You already have them. .... stay away ....stay away ....
  22. Lol like always , but i ve found with time that i know witch version to stay in and witch dev makes solid skripts ....
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