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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Thks Jim , yep Berigner offering is exellent , i'm considering this to make music more fun for kids , i 've found an old Farsifa that i cleaned and reparired and they instincly go there instead of computers !!
  2. I don't think so , this area i want also , hope modulation is on ethe menu , artuira mini filter is the only fiulter i use lately
  3. https://www.softube.com/model-72-synthesizer-system?fbclid=IwAR06xBE7sD833aGmJht6oVlstOCL6_PjMYUjaW45xDB4Kr5lsP3ZUg_zTPw
  4. The TE 100 is really solething in that list ....
  5. Sorry man , just when people think they're safe cause Oncle Larry is out ,Oncle Zo is there lol .... no rest for your guyz ...lol sorry ...
  6. Thks Peter for the kind words , it really warms me up , in fact i don t know how to make short pointless videos lol ... Reality is i m not a youtuber but a long time producer and what i record is what i do when i chill with friends in studio ... so it s like i m just chilling with you guyz sharing my humble way of doing things ....sure i have the time and langage variable to handle but more important , reviews go flowing when the product is really good ...and that s why i never do review on stuff i don t like , simpl as that , or stuff not brîging really something on the table . What i said is true from start to finish , amplitube used to be my playground , i bought the leslie for the drive and color for my drums more than guitars that i use way less !! With this release , it really answers a real need : a plyground with your process , the catalog from ik is consistant , homgenous and musical in that sens that its alwyz serving beauty in sound! you guyz been on fire lately , just be really sure to push requests , it serves the product and the firm as much as users .
  7. Exact , this leads me to my 12 ) requests a forgot to mention ability to have favorite processing on a small customisable browser !!!
  8. Hi Brian l any info on a bundle , pricecstructure is really pushing around sub if somebody wants several stuff .. Thks for being around !!!
  9. i forgot the ua1G , it's stiky like some honey but still great (for son lol)
  10. since 2007 : RME FF400 , sold it like in 2010 or so and bougth an UCX .... happy since this day ... I tried pretty every interfaces , and before the rme 400 i had pcie emu 1616m witch was great , but the diff was really abvious owned the VS 700 , and own focusrite forte and roland UA mobile (for school) , really great iptions nowdays , driver wise rme rules , roland latency is crazy also !!
  11. For me IK is the one to go , Slate is exellent but expensive if you want a thrid of the equivalent ... i stopped using slate because of the rack , during the mixing stage i'm not into racks to be honest , beacuse i always miss some , but the ik might be the exeption in that step also ... Waves is for me the most mature but you have to get the plugins and it can be expensive at the end ....also the browisng can be endless ....ik is more straight to the point when it come to browsing imho . Quality wise , ik stuff are at least as good as other hype brands , and several times i prefer their stuff on bilnd test ....
  12. Guyz stop that , i really don't want to create problems ahahah .... It's just that what i used to do with amplitube and struggle or tracks is just smooth here .... i talked to Ryan about that , and i said that for me it's gonna shine even more at the production / sound design stage (pre production) than in the mix where i need tools with deeper options (M/S L/R , Mutibands operation ect ..) By the way this lead to 11) requests : 11) Multiband operation spliting / freq dependant modules choices (ability to say modules 4 will be from 400 hz to 2k ) ect ....
  13. Thks guyz for the kind words , it's not just review as you noticed .... Key here is to show those primitive moves that are crucial during one of the most crirical process aka production stage (formalisation of an idea ...from brain to hit play and hear it !!) time is an enemy in this step The moves i made with those babies (Mixbox souljas ..yep gonna call them like that) are here to waranty me to rpint the DNA as fast as possible , DNA so pronounced that when i 'm gonna come back to work the track later , road will be pathed pretty precisly , nex moves will be arrangement , stucture , mix ect ... Like i said in the video : 70 fx 149 $ = 2.12 $ per fx , unbeatable (what to say if you get it at 99 $ ) Requests have to be adressed fast by IK , the have a potential diamond here but it need to be worked well ...i hope they will be more reactif than in the past with their instruments for exemple ... 1) Set as Default for Resizing 2) A/B option 3) One Global bar with all gui option (expand, mix /wet , volume ect ..) it's all over the place to my taste imho . Volume sliders on modules or bewteen or some 4)One Global Wet / Dry 5)EQ's and Channel strip layout , bass freq on the lower side of gui and highs on the upper ..more logical 6) Ducking option 7) Phase Switches (global and per modules) ? Modulation Matrix 9) Survey with costumers wanted modules 10) Unlik option for dual mono processing or m/s (yeah i know .... )
  14. Oh ok , i have plenty also ...
  15. If you buy from other shops , you still get those points when registring , this might be that if not ....?
  16. Problem with rme is when you buy one , you re good for decades lol ....did i really complaints onthis ? Omg .... by the way on my videos , all treatment on my voice are built in fx : eq and filters , comp and gate ... all working exellent ... was thinking of uad for at purpose but to tell the truth i m good like that ...
  17. Ok guyz , grab drink and chill with me on this one I show when and how i consider using it , you will understand why i do think this one is a must have for any producer and how it's not redundant with other ik titles !! 1) Intro 2) All fun @ 3min : production stage use : drums , synth bass, synths !! 3) Conclusion @ 56.40 min Guest : Softube monoment bass, Sugarbytes Looperator , Vertigo VSC 3 , Sonnox Limter, TR5 Opto and quad imager . The pic is my conlusion I will quote myself by saying MIXBOX versus Track and amplitube : "For me it's 2 diff philosophy !! It's like a different articulation on an instrument !!"
  18. Is it really less cpu hungry and finally glitch free ?
  19. Checked this out prices are outrageous .... not in absolute but giving the concurence .... updating komplete ultimate or v collection makes more sens ....
  20. Still no perpetual licencing in roland land ?
  21. Zo

    Gone again!

    going HW ..... no Larry , no plugins ......
  22. This one is superb .... don't sleep on it ....
  23. Larry hooked me up with this one , really surprised it didn't had more praise around the web ....
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