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Everything posted by Zo

  1. Now hat i have both i can fairlly say that compression wise , uad smashes waves ... for the rest diff is there specilaly on the low def and high s and mainlybimho due to quality and upsampling ... Reverb wise , a lot of brands got it right , official ones (lexicon , eventide , tc ) have been consistant from'start ...
  2. I have 2 vauchers i think i'm gonna get me soul sessions stuff , both for 50 $ and basta lol
  3. By the way do you have individuals licences that can be transfered ? i don't need all those so it could be great to do a group by for people to have at 10 euros only stuff they need (i will need like 3 expansions for exemple)
  4. What about artist expansions ? , problem is as soon as you route sounds in indv oupt for daw usage , you lose those and sound becomes crap .... so i usually have to bypass group fx and starts producing to not have those suprises later ...
  5. I found myself using more modo bass , it s just good and fast ... when i want complexity in the playing i go ez bass but 90 % of the time Modo does the job. Like a chief .
  6. Jesse tel me please if , on the group level they put zillion of fx or not ( worst being faded reels ) if i could have a feedback on that before going in ...
  7. Antler : hg 2 is easier and big brother is coming soon ...
  8. Zo

    UAD HOT 50 Sale

    Ah ok , i had a vaucher that was displaying on my card , it s gone now of course lol once the 50 % started lol So any idea when they give some time to time ? The 32 c is the last plugin i need / want and maybe the alignement tool that i missed on sale last time ...
  9. Zo

    UAD HOT 50 Sale

    Any coupon availlable ?
  10. Wup is only usefull if you aboslutly need for os , or can have new plugins , if not those scenarios , just move on ...
  11. If i wup i wouldn t be able to use last addition to mercury since i m still windows 8 here .... anybody can comment on cpu hit for echosphere and kaleidoscope ?
  12. No it's when you have a component that has a lot of dayz reamining , witch is the case of last cla stuff , unselecting this dropped me to 180 , and 159 from Koby
  13. problem being if i include a recent one the wup jump from 180 to 300 euros
  14. in fact it's not much a delay in the sens of echo but more like a doubler / chorus / flanger / phaser ....(everything under 30 ms of delay ) That said roland dimension , roland boss brigade chorus ect can make that
  15. Bapu do you have the delay , pretty unik also
  16. cpu hit , if it's like weiss i'm out , by the way if anybody want to buy weiss / summit / holla at me
  17. If you guyz knows the name , just call the cops nope ?
  18. yeah that suprised me as well , wondering if green owner have one for red ?
  19. yeah i never paid attention to the green one un til i test the uad !! loved it , tried the native : 100 % same , now i need it as plan B on the go !
  20. Already have it , i think i paid 49 back then or some , still too much ... waiting for the green one ....
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