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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I really like it - a huge range of sounds which can be stacked up to four parts. Some really nice arpeggios and sequences. A bit picky about where it has to be installed - I was advised by Air to store it on my system drive when it wouldn't work from data drive. Probably one of the synths I go to most for a bit of inspiration. It's often on sale at around £15 or less - I might have even got it free I can't remember - so don't pay too much for it. I have their Hybrid, Vacuum Pro and Loom 2 as well and would say I'm a satisfied customer. I should add that I am very much a hobbyist so other might be best to advise if the quality of sounds are high enough for more professional use! I've not really used TTS 1 as I have so many cheap or free synths that appear to be better - also I had a long running problem where TTS 1 refused to open so I gave up with it - I think that was on my old Sonar 8 LE / Music Studio though rather than CbB
  2. Thanks for that very interesting! I've not got round to Syntronik yet though I already had Memory V and Syntronik Free. Been enjoying the Orchestral and Cinematic Percussion this afternoon (though my neighbours probably haven't ? )
  3. Perhaps it's an installer that works every time ?
  4. I agree it would be nice to have more included content in Cakewalk but these things (most of which I have) are relatively easy to find - there are even threads on one of the sub forums here for free instruments and effects - perhaps they should be pinned by a mod to to the top of that sub forum so people can find them easily On balance though I would rather the focus continued to be on making the operation of CbB stable, intuitive and feature rich rather than bundling other instruments. I'm not sure whether that would work commercially anyway It will be interesting to hear what others think about this
  5. I tried installing Halion free a few months back to get a free glockenspiel! Never did get the licencing to work and it really wasn't worth the hassle. I've found some decent accordions in the SampleTank 3 sounds in my trawl through them all. Not cheap / free of course but there are quite a few decent other folkie instruments in there. Sadly no duduk though - I do have a few of those in imported ST 2 expansions but was hoping for a new one. I certainly don't need all their hundreds of drum kits and basses and more folkie instruments would have been nice instead
  6. How did I guess that Matthew would probably win the prize. ? Thanks! I must admit I had never heard of SQ Lite before. On that note what is the best programme to open .dmp files with - I tried notepad but got gobbledegook I should just say again that I hugely appreciate all of your help here - this is a really great community
  7. It's pretty critical whatever it is as when I tried to manually install the sounds it was that one it couldn't find and thus load the sounds
  8. One thing that is a bit frustrating is that when ST4 has crashed and I reopen the project the ST4 gui isn't shown and when it opens it defaults to the ST4 CS instruments rather than the ST3 instruments (or other) I'm working through. Is this something I can alter? Not an issue with other plugins as far as I can recall
  9. The first person to find them wins a prize! A simplified, streamlined IK installation ?
  10. Thanks Mike. Will watch that this afternoon
  11. Ah right thanks - just as well I asked! Yep crazy! I wondered why I had so many! Didn't even know what they were for until tonight - and still not sure I entirely understand - they seem to be a sort of building block of code to simplify developers' programming? Thanks for the help again!
  12. Thanks - just a bit concerned that the Major Geeks link is a couple of years old so I might be better updating from the MS site even if it is a bit longer? I could then check version no to see if they are up to date presumably Edit - I updated the 2017 - 2019 one and noticed it leaves the old ones behind - presumably I can now safely uninstall those?
  13. Thanks Bob. There's one there so I'll install it next time I'm on the PC Fingers crossed!
  14. Thanks for the offer but I'll stick with onboard for now. I don't do any live recording just use VSTi's and as I say space is an issue re accomodating monitors as well as my hifi speakers. I've kept an eye on the RAM usage and nothing untoward there - using about 47 - 49 % throughout including around time of crashes. Had one a couple of minutes after going back in then just (!) one more in last couple of hours. Got through to Z in the end! I'll see how it performs in more normal use. If it continues to crash regularly I'll raise a support ticket with IK. I did send an earlier crash file in a message to Pete after he offered to help but he may not have seen it I'll definitely look at WASAPI again though and try to get it to work!
  15. Cheers both I was just starting to feel comfortable that I wasn't going to have a crash with the VST2 when - bang - there she goes! I was wondering if it was a memory issue too - I'll check out Task Manager to see if there is a clue there as it is the problem definitely is only with loading instruments.Once I've been through these (I'm nearly up to T of the main ST3 sounds though still got add ons to listen to!) it might settle down in more normal usage To be honest I have had very few problems with ASIO4All and I've been using it for years - though I am having a problem with Union synth and occasionally ST3 /Miroslav jittering (doesn't seem to be an issue in ST4 so far fingers crossed). I'll explore other options if the current issues persist Thanks again!
  16. I have removed the VST 3 file from the scanned folder and kept it safe. First bit of good news is that the VST2 version of ST4 has kept the 'favourites' I have marked - presumably the record of those must be kept in a file accessed by both versions - that's a relief. Now to see how it goes.................. Thanks again everyone! I'll be back to report on progress!
  17. Matthew - just checked my system build - it is Win 10 Home 1909 so presumably up to date - I always install updates except the occasional optional one
  18. Thanks everyone - I'll try out your suggestions. I should have added I am using the onboard sound card which is why I am using ASIO4All. I'm just a hobbyist so I can't really justify the cost of a sound interface and monitors - I wouldn't have room for monitors anyway alongside the hi fi speakers I am currently using for everything (I know you shouldn't use hifi for sound production but as I say I am just doing this for my own entertainment ? ) Another question - I've spent several hours going through the sounds and identifying my favourites - I assume I'd lose these if I use the VST2 version or reinstall?
  19. Sorry guys looks like it was a limited offer - if I had realised that I'd have put a caveat up
  20. I've listened to it. Some excellent atmospheric sounds in there. The Tundra isn't really the city. London Atmospheric was that and that was also superb. - they do interesting and usable stuff with the raw material. A lot better than some of the stuff I've paid for in the past. The installation is clearly a problem for some unfortunately but I've only had one instance of that. A small price to pay for what you get
  21. Much appreciated. I did wonder if it was worth trying the VST2 version. I'll look at that tomorrow. I noticed today the tick box to untick if we want VST 2 versions to be shown in VST lists. Is there a way of just allowing ST 4 VST 2 to be shown otherwise I'll have a plethora of duplicate VSTs in my list. Also noted Matthew's helpful comments re graphics card conflicts in that thread you copied in Thanks again!
  22. I only have Synthmaster Player so maybe it was a tempter to upgrade?
  23. 9.04 am British Summer time today - first time I had seen any mention of it!
  24. Hi all I mentioned this in the Deals forum but as that's not really the place for discussion in more detail but I've been having frequent problems with ST4 crashing whilst loading sounds. I'm working through the new sounds I got as part of the IK Total Deal a week or so ago to determine which I want to favourite and around once an hour or so CbB crashes when loading a sound. I can restart CbB and load the same sound without a problem. Has anyone had similar problems? Is it likely to be related to me loading lots of different sounds after each other? I've attached screen grab and crash dump I'm using Windows 10 8Gb RAM i5 processor Thanks for any help! Sampletank 4_04292020_165424.dmp
  25. No code in the email but when I went to the site from the email it was automatically applied Wondering if I shouldn't have been so hasty and got the Floyd / Genesis expansion.......
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