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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. I learned a lot from this one but will have to watch it again to remember it all!
  2. Beat me to it Nigel! Mike's tutorial's are superb and he has a really friendly approach which keeps you engaged
  3. I'm looking forward to watching this - thanks Robert
  4. It does say this too Wusik ZR Store/Full Versions/Synth & Samplers $0.00 USD ON SALE $99.95 USD Save 100% I'm downloading it now so hope it is unrestricted - appears to have some decent sounds
  5. Thanks for letting us know - just updating to 2.0.2 ?
  6. You need to drag the instrument you want from that list to a track in the track view - it will then be assigned to that track and you can open the instrument interface by clicking on the keyboard icon that appears. Someone will be able to explain this better than me probably! Have you watched Mike's series of videos here - I've found those the best to get started with
  7. Thanks for letting us know! Hope all goes well. Take care and we'll see you when we see you!
  8. That's interesting. My APro 800 keyboard works with CbB but Midi Learn seems to have stopped working on knobs and sliders. Haven't had time to fully investigate yet but if you are having similar problems I was wondering if anything in the latest updates of CbB could have affected this - seems unlikely though. I haven't tried in Reason or Live yet so don't know if it's a problem exclusive to CbB
  9. I'm holding off until I'm forced to install. Heard too many complaints about it. It doesn't seem to offer anything I actually need so hopefully any bugs will be ironed out by the time I have to update
  10. Yeah I didn't get a notification either just remembered that the new version appeared to sort people out last time so went to the website
  11. Have you updated to the latest version of Bandlab Assistant? You need version 6. I had the same problem and remembered I needed to update. If you go to the Bandlab site you'll find the download for the update. Alternatively you can go to the download location and launch manually - navigate to this folder %appdata%\bandlab-assistant\Downloads There have been a few threads on this issue - always worth checking earlier posts ?
  12. Did you have the latest version of Bandlab Assistant installed? I got a failed installation (hanging at installing) but updated to version 6 and installed no problem. Worth updating ready for the next update of CbB - though good that it can now be updated from within the programme itself
  13. Have you got the latest release of BA (6)? I remembered last night to update it after a failed install and it then worked fine
  14. A great place to start (along with several other tutorial series) is the Creative Sauce Cakewalk Tutorials which you should find following on from here
  15. As suggested above sensible thing to do would be to update to CbB and see if you have same problem - you can (indeed should) keep Platinum installed
  16. Does anyone know how those Sonivox orchestral libraries compare with Miroslav & Garritan PO in terms of quality / sounds? Seem like a bargain but I don't want to download stuff I have better examples of elsewhere!
  17. To be fair the OP said this: 'Is there a generally accepted policy? I think it would at least be courteous, when posting an affiliate link, to acknowledge upfront what it is. But perhaps the community has been thriving on the silent use of affiliate links all along, and if so, I gladly stand corrected.' Assuming that wasn't meant to be sarcastic - and I assumed it wasn't when I read it - I don't think anyone should take too much umbrage?
  18. If someone takes the time out to post a deal here and he / she gets a little something out of it other than our gratitude I don't have a problem with that. I trust people here to have the good of the community at heart and anyone who didn't would soon be rumbled anyway. So , in other words Reid, please post away!
  19. Not interested in the kick processor but Sphere looks interesting. Cheers!
  20. Yes it does seem odd. I wasn't expecting so few synths. I've got them in Reason 10 but I'm more used to working in CbB so it would have been nice to have some of them there too - though Europa is there as a standalone plugin of course
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