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Everything posted by JoeGBradford

  1. If I recall correctly the CM freebies that use a code are often time limited as suggested above so if it is from December 2020 it could well be gone
  2. Do you mean CM Play of DS 404? In both cases it's a no. Here is what is currently in the instrument Plug In Suite
  3. I think it's available with every edition - but yes that is a great way of getting hold of it if you don't have a sub
  4. That's a possibility but (for PC at least) Thorn CM is in the Plug instruments Suite Folder downloadable from FileSilo (if you have an hour to spare ? )
  5. When I realised that the Thorn CM was a Mac only version I wondered if originally it had only been released for Windows - I have the that version from when it was initially released. I thought it odd that there was no mention of an update.
  6. Can we have a truce now guys please?
  7. Thanks - She is very engaging as well as being very talented!
  8. Try this https://www.plogue.com/products/sforzando.html
  9. God's Will Fall https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/gods-will-fall
  10. Looks like they have gone back to the weekly game already https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/rise-of-the-tomb-raider Edit - there appear to be three TR games available when I went in again
  11. My current PC doesn't meet the GPU specs for some of the games so I'm saving those for when I have a new PC in a year or so time! Re GPU - I have a NVIDIA Ge Force GTX 560 Ti but a few of the games I see have a GTX660 stated as a minimum requirement. Is that card a step up from the 560 or just a newer model so my card may work with games that require the 660 spec?
  12. Today's freebie - another one to pass on I think! https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/moving-out
  13. Mages of Mystralia is today's offering - I think I'll pass on that.... https://www.epicgames.com/store/en-US/p/mages-of-mystralia
  14. £13.20 on Zinio - I bit again! https://www.zinio.com/gb/computer-music-m3730
  15. I know - I was just adding info to save people like me clicking through ? There are some free KP instruments. Larry has now included FK required in original post
  16. Merry Christmas everyone and thanks for all the great deals - especially Larry! Hoping 2022 is a better year!
  17. Yep happens every time I go in to download a new instrument. The previous instrument I've already installed is there again!
  18. We're all learning - as a dear departed friend used to say 'A day without learning is a day wasted' ?
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