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Scott H

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Posts posted by Scott H

  1. 6 hours ago, reginaldStjohn said:

    What is "Synthwave"?

    Gosh! I am  getting old. I need to keep up on my microgenres! From Wikipedia...

    Synthwave (also called outrun, retrowave, or futuresynth) is an electronic music microgenre that is based predominantly on the music associated with action, science-fiction, and horror film soundtracks of the 1980s. Other influences are drawn from the decade's art and video games. Synthwave musicians often espouse nostalgia for 1980s culture and attempt to capture the era's atmosphere and celebrate it. The genre developed in the mid-to late 2000s through French house producers, as well as younger artists who were inspired by the 2002 video game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. 

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  2. What's up with WUP? Waves always wants me to upgrade my plugins. The cost of the upgrade is typically just a few dollars short of the new product (on sale) price, and yet the upgrade doesn't appear to offer any new features. I use Widows and not Apple so I can't see any reason to upgrade. Is WUP a scam?

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  3. 2 hours ago, Fleer said:

    Getting three expansions, but which ones?




    Organic Keys

    My first thought as well, although I'm not completely sold on Fluidity. The presets sound a bit like Atmospherics overlaid with a bunch gurgling water sounds. 

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  4. 1 hour ago, PavlovsCat said:

    @Scott HI just noticed that your avatar is an image of an electric piano.  Is that a Wurli? Did I  find someone as obsessed with Wurlis as me? It's far TMI, but as the son of a late music teacher who grew up with a bunch of instruments my siblings and I played,  I'm pretty much in love with all of them. The Wurli,  a baby grand piano, a Les Paul, a Leslie speaker,  my first drum kit (a Camco made a 10 minute drive from my childhood home)....so these days I buy all that stuff in sampled form. To me Wurlis are pure magic. I have been begging my friend Greg Schlaepfer (Orange Tree Samples) to make one that's at the same level as the Famous E -- the best Rhodes library on the planet (even Sound on Sound's review gave it its highest rating and stated it's "probably" the best Rhodes sample library that exists) made in cooperation with one of the all time studio musician greats, Jay Graydon. Now they need to do it for the Wurli. Except Jay isn't a Wurli fan. Consequently, if  someone has a Wurli 200A  in great shape,  please get it to Orange Tree Samples! But until that day, I think that AcousticSamples dev has the best Wurli library that my ears have heard. 

    The SOS review of Orange Tree Samples Famous E. If you love electric pianos,  that is a must,  IMO. Exact quote: "Orange Tree Sample’s Famous E may be the best virtual Rhodes you can buy."


    Good catch! Actually my avatar is a snippet of a Rhodes Mark I Stage 73.  You can tell it is a Stage and not a Suitcase by the silver knobs. Yes, I am a sucker for a good electromagnetic piano. I bought the Famous E when it first came out and I don't regret it a bit. It's an awesome Rhodes piano library. It would be a total Sophie's Choice if I had to choose between a Rhodes and a Wurlitzer.  A Rhodes is probably more versatile but if I had a gun to my head I'd take the Wurli every time. Fortunately I don't have to choose.

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  5. I agree that the e-instruments Wurli is the best of the three. The  Sound Paint Wurli sounds absolutely dead. IMHO both the Soniccouture Wurli and the Acoustic Samples Wurli have a slight edge. I think the Acoustic Samples Wurli more precisely matches the signature tone of the Wurlitzer, while the Soniccouture is better at capturing the grit of the Wurlitzer.  It is always fun to take a poll, and I enjoyed your rendition of  Where it’s at. 

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  6. I've got Moonkits and the library does sound really good. There is a ton of variety to be had in the various kits and presets. This library oozes uniqueness and character. There aren't nearly as many high hat and cymbal articulations as say a Superior Drummer kit, but many of the Moon kits come with a whopping 45 different brush articulations. Some of the more oddball Moon kits come with much fewer articulations. The one serious drawback to Moonkits is that there is no internal midi mapping  tool. I can see this being a deal breaker for many.  If you own a copy of full Kontakt,  Soniccouture does share a link to a half-baked and somewhat painful midi mapping work around located here:


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