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Everything posted by solarlux

  1. And how to change default width of Piano roll keys in left side?
  2. Yes exactly, Matrix View cell/(MIDI) clip editor (independent PRV) becaue i need to drop midi clip to TV to edit it but would be cool possible to edit it directly and not need to set loops points and looping automaticaly from midi clip length.
  3. Seperated special piano roll sepereated from global piano roll but what is simillar to step sequencer with play button opens midi clips from cell from Matrix view. For example Matrix View is very useful for fast ideas and can be midi, audio bank for creativity but there are one small weakness. Piano roll for individual midi clip editing in Matrix view. (Matrix View cell/(MIDI) clip editor (independent PRV))
  4. How to change midi notes color when track color default?
  5. All work fine. You need to look when you have selected all then it works. All is good.Its logical it need to enable select events with section to work.
  6. Posibility to copy paste audio splits with pattern tool. For example i split one bar in some sizes and take pattern tool select these bar and pattern tool slices in these size of slices rest of audio file where i use it.
  7. Matrix wiew is best tool ever its loops, audio, midi bank and i can place there individual items and it make me very creative. Its my bank where i place individual items for using them like a blocks. Arranger track i use for big picture. : ) Matrix view is exelent People from other DAWS where simillar thing they putting this feature in top. For example Bitwig, Ableton. And in Cakewalk this feature exist and it's so underrated.
  8. Maybe screenset can be used to save zoom of 2 windows perfectly fited? : ) + autoscroll on
  9. Yes but how much resources need to put in to make this feature. Maybe this can be as base.
  10. Bakers can make zoom sync or something like that. Two windows connected and cooming together and aligned perfect when this feature switched on
  11. Yes some automatic size and alignment adjustments for both screens sync maybe we can figure oute some way. I know its not natural way but i like figure out unusual ways how to do something. I also know these feature was invented for other purpose but often some new ideas born from old ideas. I think these x-ray can be used in many ways. Base already have built in.
  12. Yes but need to figure out how synhronize transport lines between piano roll and audio window. Ic can be done but maybe is some more elegant way to align both together.Maybe Bakers can use it in future as base of something new special.
  13. Yes but need some sinhronization issues figure out but it can be solved. Maybe this idea can become better. Need to move transport lines from each screen side by side
  14. I see big potential of this x - ray feature need to add more functionality to it.
  15. Fast Idea of Cakewalk existing x ray feature function with combination of piano roll and audio. It can work better if Bakers might make some switch function between x rayed and what is behind etc. fast working with audio and midi simultaneously. This feature can be improved and make workflow very advanced. All can be edited behind piano roll.
  16. I 'm suprised everytime i use piano roll i feel so big things integreated there its very amaizing. And i discover many possibilities of Piano roll in CbB
  17. Yes i can do it by choosing pencil and holding alt key, OMG i 'm total idiot. Cakewalk already have best Piano roll of all DAWS and no joking. This DAW is beast if i can also select multiple notes and hear sound of chord when i clicking on one note
  18. OMG I 'm idiot. Sore guys its available in Cakewalk with pencil tool and holding ALT. Sore guys 'm total idiot. Cakewalk have best Piano roll of all DAWS
  19. Yes but when i clicking 1/16 note and inserting it i need positioning it left or rigt instead of resizing it : ) In simple words for example pencil tool when holding alt not drawing series of repetive notes but allows move note before i release mouse
  20. Wow its evidence of that Cakewalk is most matured of all DAWS available nowdays.
  21. Idea is pretty simple when i using smart tool and fastly need insert one sized notes i need positioning note not resising it. Now i press alt and i need release mouse and click again on note to move it left or right direction but it's extra step in scenarious where positioning matters not note size
  22. Maybe is possible to add option into prefferences whn i pressing alt and inserting note i can move also right and left instead of risizing note and resize note i can when i released mouse. for example when i fastly inserting 1/16 notes i don't need resize them but instantly move it up or down or left or right. before i releasing mouse. Posibble simple scenarios when need input notes fast and resizing no matters but positioning matters fast.
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