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Everything posted by Piotr

  1. ... and deal with cleaning after install as it is still not providing way to forbid to install all possible versions. They are not to clever or maybe they don't care about user experience too much.. I created long time ago ticket to support for this improvement but they don't care... Prefer have less work. Users can care themselves about order and meaning...
  2. thanks for tip but this way unfortunately is nothing I could consider Remove and reinstall whole S1 just to have their plugs working in other DAW, definitely nope. Easier for me forget about their plugins and use other brands which plugin managers are able to setup working plugins.
  3. hm I wish I knew which one... I have zylion plugins and know only 3 steps install, register and use
  4. Obviously. As mentioned, no install problems. 'Only' with running them under DAW other than S1
  5. Has anybody good experience with using it under CbB for instance? It is installing fine but not working under any other DAW than S1 (in fact maybe under S1 also is working S1 internal version)... I have the same issue with every Presonus VST3 like Empire. The same errors. Tried to follow some 'advice' I found and even installed MS lib (what I usually avoid as a plague - not to mess with shared libs and break other apps).
  6. So you are saying, Zo, if CLA mixed a few versions using Izotope, Waves, IK, Sonnox, etc trying to do his best you would be able without no mistake to classify in blind tests those sessions according to what you are believing now? I am not referring to which bundle is more user friendly, has better workflow or so... What can be in some way measurable. Just to final results and hearing experience. Exactly such test I would love to see
  7. Not possible Do not spread conspiracy theories
  8. Zo, I would bet on you could also easily do this just using Izotope, IK or Waves things ? Skills always win over plugin brand, am I wrong? In fact my dream is to see a challenge where in the same mix plugins of one brand are replaced by another and adjusted by the same experienced mixer engineer , then whole mix is judged under blind test by other experienced mixers. I would bet on really funny result
  9. And his plugins are even better
  10. Dobn't worry Frank, we can always not to buy this time anything
  11. For $10 per month I would go only for game changer... voice changer is not enough
  12. That's so true... So many attempts to copy things already copied hundreds times... And so similar designs . Almost no things unique to overpass real hardware limitations... There are infinite possibilities of sound but devels make us to be stuck still in the same flavors another tens years...
  13. Currently everywhere Just pick any rock up and bum... another one...
  14. Looks interesting although I have some concerns...
  15. Piotr

    PA Amek 9099

    Please do We see clear visual difference between this one and the others. The question how about sound difference ?
  16. Zo, you probably hate any subs but for sub owners it is good to have complete suite to work with and not to be forced to buy something more. Although saying that, of course collectors will buy anyway everything. We need 100 EQs and every single SSL emulation Doesnt need to work at all, we just need to have it, not use it
  17. For all in doubts thinking about price take into consideration support for updates... So far all upgrades are free so it is more and more good investments considering usability of this plugin. Something like Melda's approach or AA's... If you bought their plugin it could transform in something much more powerful in some months/years but you don't need to invest more ever... It is not only fixing bugs... I like it
  18. mama mia... why not 29$ ? r they aware about world standards ?
  19. Great to have you again here The place without you was like stripped from its soul
  20. Sorry, indeed I went through all presets, played with it and missed 'in action' . Used only standalone version so far. It is eating 7-8% of my cpu (which is i5 4460 @3,2GHz ).
  21. Wow... Seems their pages overloaded, happy I was fast enough to load demo... I am afraid after playing for several minutes ... I will not able not to buy this thing... It bites but it is not harsh as others and really great sounding... with sustain stretched like rubber. And lots ( I mean lots) of nice presets...
  22. although pretty price for just 1 amp but it is slo100 so if it is good emulation... the real thing sounds so amazing on records... I have nembrini slo, ik slo and STL slo emulations (&maybe others I forgot?). And I like definitely STL the most. Although none of them to my ears is really close to what I can hear from real slo 100 or even synergy module But as never was so lucky to be real thing user, can only use other guys work and kindness to hear how it sounds alone and unprocessed. Yeah, AT5 is great for a money but the same thing was true for AT4. To be honest I have no motivation for upgrade at all. AT5 and AT4 sound very different even when checking with AT5 CS but for some emulation actually I prefer AT4. And having AT4MAX price for upgrading to even AT5 is instant deal breaker for me atm. I think when there would be a deal available to go to AT5 I will still be keeping AT4 for some uses - not mentioning AT5 is still buggy and very slowly loading so to have a pleasure of play I prefer AT4 or STL things.
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