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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Thanks Mike. I'm planning on using it mostly on guitars and I'm also checking out Shrespread right now....which seems to be better suited for what I want to do..
  2. So what happened with the audio device not found thingy?
  3. How is that Steroemaker plugin....anyone have it?
  4. Sorry about that....my dyspepsia dyslexia cross eyed-ness is acting up
  5. Yes they are and very good to hear this Fret Man. I just checked my account and I have 7 dups and 1 triplicate....don't know how that happened. Good news is I need a lot of Chromaphone sound banks.
  6. I'm very tempted to get that complete my collection offer ($89 for Chromaphone 2, Objeq Delay, and String Studio 3). Interestingly, all my children love to play with AAS synths....I'm guessing they must be good.
  7. And here I go again on my own Goin' down the only road I've ever known Like a stroller, I was born to troll alone
  8. That was before Bapu joined the Jenny Craig Weight Loss Program......here's the after pic.
  9. I wish I could help Bill, but I'm out of ideas.....get some sleep and hopefully tomorrow someone will find a solution. I'm going to bed.....I need my beauty rest. ?
  10. Hmmmm.....I'm also not sure Bill. I'm sure you've checked this site as well, but just in case: https://support.audient.com/hc/en-us/sections/202365603-Frequently-Asked-Questions-
  11. Have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers?
  12. Sadly or happily, I gave up on Wusik Station around SampleTank 3 days and never looked back.
  13. That's what true musicians are all about....the show must go on!! IIRC Dave, you posted something on Nightwish in the old forums about 5 years back and I was very impressed with them.....been a fan ever since. Here's a live version Ghost Love Score
  14. Back in my college days, I used to speak Italian fluently....mostly in sign language when driving.
  15. That's exactly how I was planning to use it.....on me geeeetaar. I really like what Breverb does on the guitar, so hopefully this as well. GAS is something one should not take too lightly....there are consequences.
  16. Thanks to the good Dr., I now have this fantastic free plugin. Now to figure out what it does
  17. Well, once in awhile we do get the casual rain cloud strolling by....just not to the extent that Bill goes through regularly.
  18. Yes indeed....all the parts just flow smoothly with the chords.
  19. Great idea Grem!! Chromophone and Object D. are the only one's I don't have.....I can start collecting for Chromaphone. Thanks mate!!
  20. He said to 'Have a little faith in me' since he has a 'Perfectly good guitar' to get the job done....of course, he just maybe 'Over the hill'.
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