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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Mesh

    CbB Updated

    Thanks Larry, will try that.
  2. Good news!! I haven't been in BMD for awhile now....miss my gang over there. I keep getting this error from my work PC: Your PC doesn’t trust this website’s security certificate. Error Code: DLG_FLAGS_INVALID_CA Because this site uses HTTP Strict Transport Security, you can’t continue to this site at this time.
  3. Mesh

    CbB Updated

    Sorry if this has been answered before, but every time I try to update via the BandLab App. it never opens the app. (running as Admin). I know there's a link (in the forums) to update it manually, but it defeats the purpose of using the app. Or am I missing something else here?
  4. Breathtaking views from Norway.
  5. Looks like that code has expired (that's message I'm getting as well).
  6. After reading your posts Michael, I just had to get this two-fer-one deal. BTW, you didn't install Fluffy Audio's Haunted Choir did you?
  7. Well done on this ZincT, enjoyed it. Very nice performance, mix, and production. (I need to visit the Songs forum more often...good stuff here).
  8. i.e... He says: what's wrong? She says: nothing's wrong The END
  9. Probably one of those hidden talents you've had for awhile, but just been sitting on it? Just use it wisely though.....with great power comes great responsibility.
  10. Zinc, I was very impressed with Mercuriall's SS-11X (excellent clean and crunch tones). The responsiveness is really a treat. Add Objeq Delay and it does wonders to the ears. They're still having the sale going..... I'm looking to get another amp or two. ?
  11. 'velocity table and control over direction, timing, swing, randomization and duration'
  12. Wittle gwasshoppa, you know two wongs no make a wight. You need to rive with the light girrl.
  13. You have an affinity for some dim sum
  14. Don't answer that Bapu, it's a trick question.
  15. I think I'm in the same boat as ewe, but then again I'm always dazed and confused.
  16. 2.1GB's of Raw Sampled GAS data......surely the bean count has to be much higher than that?
  17. Same here...not my cup of tea. In udder gnus, IT'S FRIDAAAAAY!!
  18. From sublime to ridiculous....
  19. Interestingly there's only 1 plugin that's for sale as well as Mic clips, everything else is free (for the Christmas season). These are the types of vendors I like to support...they're not there just to DeBleed you from your wallet. Good find Carlos!!
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