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Everything posted by Mesh

  1. Very useful info Mettelus. Sadly, I'm not a 'tinkerer' with fixing the inners of a guitar and that might be a bit over my paygrade. Speaking of the sustainiac, I do have that freqout pedal and thinking it's probably pointless in getting an guitar with the sustainiac. So, I'm looking at guitars with different pickup configs, but still one with a Floyd Rose. Regarding PLEK, Sweetwater does have a PLEK Pro machine and once I decide on the actual guitar, will definitely check if it's PLEK d or not. Thanks again for all the details....greatly appreciate it. I'm a bit hesitant to buy a used guitar without being able to test it first. Although you (Brian) had a bad experience with Schecter, I do like what they have to offer and having a tough time finding a bad review on them. Also been considering this model:
  2. As much as I'd LOVE to get and own a LP, I just can't afford a Custom. Thus, I'm looking for a guitar that's very versatile in tone and plays comfortably/built well. Just not sure if the Sustaniac's neck position pup draws a lot of interference/radio noise etc...?
  3. I'm doing you a favor here and trust me, you really don't want to see me without any armor. You're welcome!
  4. Coz it matches her shoes?
  5. I like stripped down no covers.
  6. Before starting any new thread, the first thing that goes through my mind is.....SLIP is gonna twist this.
  7. I still haven't really decided about getting the hard shell case as I don't travel with it anywhere . It'll be just waiting on a stand for me to pick up and play. The reviews I read have all been pretty good and seeing that our Pro musician Strummy is planning on getting it, this must be damn good. The guitar I have right now is my old Jackson Stealth (going on almost 25 years ) and it's not quite holding up in staying in tune. Still enjoy playing it as it's been very good to me, but I think it's time to get a new one. Stevie boy, I just may take you up on that offer and give some glowing reviews (that is if they only glow). @craigb - Thanks for posting that info on the sustainiac, will definitely look forward to playing with it (if when I get it).
  8. I'm thinking of getting this Schecter Hellraiser C-1 FR-S as the specs/features fit pretty much to what I'm looking for. Of course, I haven't played one (yet) but I know Sweetwater does a great job with their 55 point inspection. I was specifically looking at this model: https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/HRC1FRSBCH--schecter-hellraiser-c-1-with-floyd-rose-and-sustainiac-black-cherry?cond=HRC1FRSBCHd4 Just wondered if anyone has played one of these and would like to hear your thoughts on it. If there's any another guitars you can recommend (within this budget), would appreciate it as well. Apart from the good playability/comfortable feel, I also love using the Floyd Rose tremolo .
  9. Just FYI: "Lunatic Audio debuts with a ground breaking revolutionary plugin that is taking the industry by storm!"
  10. I believe it's one serial for the Studio Pack, but then again, it's been many years since I installed it. One thing for sure is it's got some very good gems in there.
  11. I've been working on a track that had a bunch of chorus pedals on it and replaced all with Dimension D....very, very happy with that fx. I want to test it on my nylon acoustic/electric as well. I used the Mu-tron on another guitar track and had to dial it down a bit to taste....happy with the results on this as well. I also haven't used the flanger much. Of note, just the general settings on the phaser and flanger were a bit over the top and had to dial those down (I like subtle, not overpowering). Great idea to use the Mu-tron on bass!! Love me some funk!! Overall, I'm also very pleased with these fx's and can see myself using them regularly, (especially Dimension).
  12. Just tested the demo out and it does very, very good. Not sure if this is a reliable way to gauge this, but I use my Freqout pedal with all amp sims and with all of them, the tonal clarity (switching pickup positions) is a very noticeable improvement. There's also a very pleasant playing response when the pedal is engaged. When using Plini, it didn't matter if the pedal was engaged or not. The tonal clarity/response was constant and good. So there must something in their coding to get this. Now, I'm wondering if there's a better deal during BF or is this this the best deal?
  13. Why yes, I am...isn't that the latest/greatest? I'm rocking this little baby here too, and only takes minutes to get online. Don't be jealous now! ?
  14. Yes Amicus, and it's quite annoying, Not quite sure what's causing it, but it only happens in the cakewalk forum.
  15. Absolutely agree Nigel! "Luscious richness" is exactly what Chorus Dimension is all about and was an immediate purchase. I have quite a few chorus plugins and IMO, this one is just top notch. Arturia did a great job on this.
  16. I've realized that the more I drink, the better I seem to sound.....until the next morning.
  17. Can this be upgraded from any version?
  18. ….and that's not all, there also a song for this. I'll get me coat...
  19. Thanks ZT!! I realized that just after I posted it....need more coffee.
  20. I've been using the free version of https://www.vb-audio.com/Voicemeeter/banana.htm to jam with youtube vids. Good info there Steven!!
  21. Simon, can you test this with your guitar and post back your thoughts? I already have this in the cart and it's ready to roll.
  22. Mesh


    So this is what they mean by "less is more". You did a great job Mark!
  23. Mesh

    Waves Ovox

    Speaking of presets, there was a thread in here with a link to all the presets (I think Christian J. posted it). Not sure if those links work, but might be worth a look.
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